CJI Ramana supports 50% reservation for women in judiciary, calls it a matter of rights, not charity

File photo of Chief Justice of India NV Ramana | ani photo

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New Delhi: Chief Justice of India NV Ramana on Sunday urged women lawyers to strongly raise their demand for 50 per cent reservation in the judiciary and assured them of his “total support”.

“I don’t want you to cry but with anger you have to shout and demand that we need 50 per cent reservation,” he said.

The CJI said this is an issue of thousands of years of oppression and women deserve reservation and added, “It is a matter of rights, not of charity.”

“I want to say that I strongly support the demand for a certain percentage of reservation for women in all law schools in the country so that they can join the judiciary,” he said.

Speaking at a felicitation ceremony organized by the Lady Advocates of the Supreme Court for nine newly appointed judges, including three women judges, CJI Ramana said that she has revised Karl Marx’s “Workers of the World Unite”. For this occasion you have nothing to lose but your chains” and added: “Women of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but your chain.”

The CJI said, you are all laughing. Yes, I don’t want you to cry but in anger you have to shout and demand that we need 50 per cent reservation. This is not a small issue but a matter of thousands of years of repression. The time has come for women to have 50 percent representation in the judiciary. You are entitled to it, it is a matter of right. This is not a matter of charity. It is unfortunate that some things are understood too late.”

He said he would be “very happy” whenever the goal is achieved.

“All my sisters and all of you have carved exceptions for the people of the society and the women of the society and for this all the youth whether men or women are waiting for you and looking at you like you are a role model . Your success stories will make them more impulsive and we expect more women to join this profession and we will soon achieve the 50 percent target. I wholeheartedly support all the initiatives taken by you and as long as I am here, I will support all your causes,” he said.

The Chief Justice of India said that he believes in meeting people, knowing their views so that he can understand what problems the society is facing, but added that these days he is visiting many places and giving speeches. Tired of

“After coming back from Odisha last night, I gathered some information about the system in which we are working. All over the country…the subordinate judiciary has less than 30 per cent women, 11.5 per cent women judges in high courts and four out of 33 women judges in the Supreme Court… (ie 11 or 12 per cent), the CJI said. said.

He said that out of 17 lakh advocates in the country, only 15 per cent are women and only two per cent elected representatives in the State Bar Council are women.

“The other day I have told the President of Bar Council of India, Manan Kumar Mishra that what is there in your National Committee of Bar Council, which does not have a single woman member to represent it, needs to be reformed immediately,” he said.

CJI Raman further said that people often easily say that it is difficult to get 50 percent reservation because women face a lot of problems but this is not right.

I agree that an uncomfortable environment, lack of infrastructure, overcrowded courtrooms, lack of washrooms, lack of crches and lack of seating are some of the major issues which are not conducive to women lawyers in the system , They said. .

He said that there is a proposal of the Judicial Infrastructure Corporation by collecting information about the current situation in the entire country, which is the need of the hour.

The CJI said, in 6,000 courts across the country, 22 per cent of them do not have separate toilets (for women) and even women officers have to bear the brunt. And that is why I am proposing some issues to the executive to take it up and fix it.

With regard to the lawyers’ demand to open the apex court for physical hearings, which have been conducted virtually since the beginning of the pandemic, the CJI said that there is hope that it may resume after the Dussehra holiday.

“The problem is you know we have limited openings (both virtual and physical), but most advocates don’t like that, I don’t know why, but for whatever reason, especially senior lawyers have some reservations. But Young and other lawyers are ready to come, she said.

He said that Senior Advocate Vikas Singh, who is the President of Supreme Court Bar Association, has raised some issues regarding Hybrid Hearing SOP and it is being corrected and made more liberal.

We can expect full opening of courts but the problem is we don’t want to take any risk because of medical advice and suddenly they can say there may be third or fourth wave…. So you expect there is no wave and possibly after the Dussehra holiday, I think we can go for the physical hearing,” CJI Raman said.

read also: SC stays Kerala HC proceedings on Modi government’s plea challenging 10% reservation to EWS

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