Coronavirus Updates | WHO chief thanks Health Minister Mandaviya for announcing resumption of vaccine shipments

As of 0800 IST on 22 September, 26,964 new cases of COVID-19 have been reported in India, according to the data of the Ministry of Health. This takes the total number of cases in India to 33.53 million. The daily number of cases has remained below the 30,000 mark for the second day in a row. The death toll has risen to 445,768 with 383 deaths in the last 24 hours.

you can track coronavirus Cases, deaths and testing rates at the national and state levels Here. List state helpline number also available.

Here are the developments:


India to target children for COVID-19 vaccine from October: Sources

All Indian children aged 12 or above will become eligible for COVID-19 vaccination from next month, when drugmaker Cadila Healthcare launched its ZyCoV-D product, two sources with direct knowledge of the matter said. Reuters.

The world’s first DNA-based COVID-19 vaccine, ZyCoV-D, received emergency authorization from Indian regulators last month. From October, the company, known as Zydus Cadila, will produce 10 million doses a month.

The health ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment. – Reuters


India may allow small gap between privately-sold AstraZeneca COVID vaccine doses

India may allow a small gap between AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine doses for inoculations being done privately, two sources said. Reuters.

He said private hospitals and clinics would give their paying patients the option to receive a second dose of the vaccine four weeks after the first, which is currently between 12 and 16 weeks.

Earlier this month, the High Court in the southern state of Kerala ordered changes to the health ministry’s vaccine-booking platform to give people who paid for vaccinations the option they already had on flights abroad. He is going. – Reuters

WHO chief thanks Health Minister Mandaviya for announcing resumption of vaccine shipments

World Health Organization (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus thanks Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya on Wednesday, September 22, 2021. To announce the resumption of the COVID-19 vaccine Shipments to COVAX Global Pool in October.

COVAX is an initiative for equitable global access to COVID-19 vaccines.

“Thanks to Health Minister @mansukhmandviya for announcing that #India will resume critical #COVID19 vaccine shipments for #COVAX in October. This is an important step in support of reaching the 40% vaccination target in all countries by the end of the year.” Growth is #VaccinEquity,” Mr Ghebreyesus said in a tweet. – PTI


Slowly increasing COVID-19 cases in Madurai

With three students and two faculty members of Madurai Medical College (MMC) testing positive for COVID-19 and a few sporadic cases from some schools over the week, doctors urged people not to take coronavirus lightly Is. They say it is still a secret and people should not be caught unknowingly.

Even though two UG students, a PG student and an ophthalmology faculty member had received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, they reported with sub-clinical infections in the last three days. “Injections do not give 100% immunity, but precautions can keep you safe,” says a doctor at Government Rajaji Hospital (GRH).

A UG student who reported symptoms of COVID-19 three days back, swab test was done for her roommate, who also tested positive. More than 150 students were tested on September 21 and till now no other case of fever has been reported from UG or PG hostels in MMC.

Doctors see many new cases of diabetes after COVID-19

While it is known that senior citizens and people with co-morbidities are at a higher risk of contracting COVID-19, doctors in Bengaluru are seeing several new cases of diabetes following the infection.

Doctors said that diabetes increases the risk of complications and death if COVID-19 is contracted. About 62% of the total 37,648 COVID-19 victims in the state so far had diabetes or both diabetes and hypertension along with other co-morbidities.

State Health Commissioner KV Trilok Chandra told Hindu On Tuesday, when almost all patients who succumbed to COVID-19 had symptoms of SARI and ILI, 62% of them had one or more co-morbidities, mainly diabetes and hypertension.


7th serosurvey likely to start this week; result to be specific

Officials said the Delhi government may start the seventh serological survey later this week, in which a part of the data collection will be done through mobile applications.

A serological survey is done to find out what percentage of the population has antibodies against COVID-19 through natural infection or vaccination.

The government aims to collect 28,000 blood samples of random people from all 272 wards of the city. The result of the seventh survey will tell us about the impact of the second wave of the pandemic, as the previous survey was launched in April, before the second wave and had to be shortened due to a spike in cases.


With easing of restrictions, movement of passengers from Chennai airport picks up

With the gradual easing of COVID-19 restrictions in the state, air travel has started gaining momentum and the Chennai airport is witnessing a positive growth in passenger traffic. From a record 4.46 lakh domestic passengers in July, there was a 37% increase in passenger numbers in August, with the airport handling 6.15 lakh passengers. From Chennai, which cities of the country do people mostly travel to and why?

According to travel experts, there has now been a marginal improvement in leisure and business travel, except for those traveling out of town for medical reasons and for family trips. In the Tier I category, as always, it is the metro cities that top the chart with the maximum number of passengers traveling from Chennai to Delhi, Mumbai and Hyderabad.


Delhi High Court approves compensation to HPC for death due to lack of oxygen during COVID-19

The Delhi High Court on September 21 said it did not see any difficulty in the formation of a High Powered Committee (HPC) by the AAP government to probe the deaths due to an alleged medical oxygen shortage during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. gives.

The court, while hearing the plea for commissioning of HPC, took note of the stand of the Delhi government that the committee would not do any wrong in any hospital and any compensation would be paid and paid by the government alone.

It further recorded that as per the Delhi government, the criteria for determination of compensation would be open to scrutiny and its function would not overlap with the sub-group constituted by the Supreme Court on the allocation and use of oxygen.

Andra Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh receives COVID donation of ₹57 cr

COVID-19 Nodal Officer Dr. Arja Srikanth said that the state has received COVID-related donations of ₹57 crore so far from various individuals and organizations across the world.

Dr. Srikanth said in a release that out of the ₹57 crore donation received, ₹31 crore was donated for medical equipment such as oxygen concentrators, ICU beds, masks and others, while ₹25 crore for the establishment it was done. Oxygen plants and ₹1.3 crore were donated for medicines.


Panama to give third COVID-19 vaccine shot to immunocompromised people

Health Minister Luis Sucre said on September 21 that Panama will offer a third COVID-19 vaccine dose from this week to moderately and severely immunocompromised people.

The decision follows similar steps from other Latin American countries such as Ecuador and Chile, which are already offering booster vaccine doses to people at risk, for example those with immunodeficiencies or the elderly.

People eligible to receive an additional shot during the first phase of the Panama plan include those with cancer treatment and transplantation, as well as those who have received stem cells in the past two years or have advanced or untreated HIV infection. – Reuters


More than 2.10 lakh Kovid vaccine doses given in Delhi

According to official figures, more than 2.10 lakh people were vaccinated for coronavirus in Delhi on 20 September and out of them more than 1.11 lakh people got the first dose.

Government data shows that over 1.64 crore doses have been administered in the city since the vaccination exercise began on January 16.

So far 49.98 lakh people have received both the doses. – PTI


Brazil’s health minister tests positive for COVID-19 in New York

Brazil’s Health Minister Marcelo Quiroga tests positive for COVID-19 hours after leaving with the president Jair Bolsonaro Government said Tuesday, September 21, 2021 at the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

The government’s communications office said Mr Quiroga would remain in quarantine in New York.

“The minister is doing well,” the statement said. It added that the rest of the delegation tested negative for the virus.

Mr Quiroga told CNN Brasil That he wore a mask the whole time he was in the United Nations building. – Reuters

COVID-19 deaths in US top 1,900 in one day

The COVID-19 death toll in the US has averaged more than 1,900 for the first time since early March, with experts saying the virus is largely preying on an isolated group, the 71 million unaffiliated Americans.

The increasingly fatal turn has filled hospitals, complicated the start of the school year, delayed return to offices and discouraged health care workers. – AP

IMF calls for coordinated action, accountability in COVID-19 fight

The International Monetary Fund’s chief economist on September 21 called for coordinated action and greater accountability to ensure the world meets the target of vaccinating 40% of people in every country against COVID-19 by the end of 2021.

India’s decision to restart vaccine exports this week was “a very important part of the solution”, but major economies also had to make vaccine distribution to honor their promises, Gita Gopinath pointed out. Reuters in an interview.

The pandemic has killed nearly 5 million people worldwide, and the IMF warns that the highly unequal health prospects, with just 2% of people vaccinated in low-income countries, pose a “grave risk”. – Reuters

Lock-down Melbourne braces for more protests as COVID-19 cases rise

Australia’s state of Victoria reported a surge in new COVID-19 infections on September 22, as the state’s capital, Melbourne, braced for a third straight day of protests over strict restrictions.

After authorities closed construction sites for two weeks, thousands of people stormed Melbourne on 21 September, damaging property, blocking a busy highway and injuring three police officers. More than 60 were arrested.

“The ugly scenes we saw yesterday are not only horrifying, but illegal,” Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews told a media briefing in Melbourne. – Reuters

New Zealand

New Zealand says it may never get zero COVID-19 cases again

Zero coronavirus cases may not return to the New Zealand community, the director general of health said, as the country continues efforts to stamp out the contagious delta version of the virus.

New Zealand ended COVID-19 last year and went largely virus-free, except for a few cases in February, until the latest outbreak of the delta variant in August, prompting Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern to impose a nationwide lockdown. prompted to order.

Its largest city, Auckland, is still under lockdown and a small number of new cases are being reported every day. – Reuters


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