Delhi University (DU) colleges will reopen in a phased manner: VC

A final decision on gradually reopening Delhi’s colleges in a phased manner will be taken within this week. Welcoming the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) issued by the Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA), the Vice Chancellor of Delhi University said on Wednesday, “It helped us to reopen the university.” A high level meeting of university officials was called. Discuss systematic reopening of colleges.

DU Vice Chancellor PC Joshi told ANISaid, the university, which has students from across the country and even from outside India, is looking at various options. “We have to consider how they will be included. All those things have to be considered,” the VC said.

“We want to reopen soon, but we don’t want to take any decision in haste. This may adversely affect the students. I think we will first allow third year students and then move it when it Will work well,” Joshi said.

As per the advisory, educational institutions are allowed to function only at 50 per cent capacity.

“We do not want to regret it (our decision to reopen) in future and welcome the third wave. So systematically, keeping in mind the interest of the students, we are going to open the university gradually and Coming back to offline mode of teaching,” he said.

The VC also informed that a final decision on reopening would be taken in the next five to six days as the university has to plan on how to accommodate students from different states in hostels. “Everything needs to be considered,” he said.

In addition, he said that the university will ensure that the students who are planning to attend offline classes are vaccinated, and added that the vaccination of DU teachers is almost complete.

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