Dengue cases on the rise: 43% of Delhi-NCR residents affected by vector-borne disease, finds study

There has been a sudden increase in dengue cases in India. According to the Delhi Citizen’s report on vector-borne diseases released on November 8, the national capital has already crossed the 2,700-mark this year. Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral disease caused by the dengue virus. It is spread through the bite of the Aedes mosquito. A survey by community social media platform LocalCircle found that 45% of Delhi residents have a family or someone in the local social network who has been affected by dengue this year.

The survey received 14,974 responses from residents of Delhi-NCR. 63 percent of the respondents were men while 37 percent were women. According to LocalCircles, since mid-August, many residents of Delhi-NCR have reported that someone in their family has dengue symptoms like high fever, fatigue, joint pain etc.

LocalCircle, which hosts Delhi-NCR’s voluntary blood support network, said it has seen a week-on-week increase of over 100% in blood platelet requests over the past 6 weeks.

Reading: Dengue cases on the rise: Here’s how you can protect yourself

30-60% increase in the number of dengue cases

Hospitals like Apollo and Max have registered a 30-60% increase in the number of dengue cases in the last month. In government hospitals, the state had to reduce the number of COVID-19 beds in order to use the extra beds to treat dengue and other fever patients.

(image: local circle)

The survey asked residents of Delhi about the number of individuals in their family or close network—extended family, friends, neighbours, colleagues—who have been affected by dengue this year. In response, 10% of residents said they had “4 or more persons” affected by dengue this year. 19% said they had “2-3 persons”, and 16% said only “1 person”. A majority of 52% of Delhi residents surveyed said “none, thankfully”. Couldn’t say 3%.

Overall, 45% of Delhi residents say that there is someone in their family or close local social network who has been affected by dengue this year. This question got 6,769 responses in the survey.

Reading: Eat these immunity-boosting foods that can help prevent dengue

What residents of Delhi-NCR said:

One such question was asked to the people of Delhi-NCR including Gurugram, Noida, Ghaziabad and Faridabad. Overall, 10% of Delhi-NCR residents said that “4 or more persons” are affected by dengue this year. 19% said they had “2-3 persons”, and 15% said only “1 person”. A majority of 53% of Delhi-NCR residents surveyed said “none, thankfully”. Couldn’t say 3%.

(image: local circle)

Overall, 43 per cent of Delhi-NCR residents say they have someone in their family or local social network who has been affected by dengue this year. In all, 14,974 responses were received from Delhi-NCR.

Effect of dengue not only in Delhi but also in entire NCR cities

The survey found that 57% of Ghaziabad residents know someone who has been affected by dengue this year, followed by Delhi at 45%, Noida at 44%, Faridabad at 40% and Gurugram at 29%. The findings suggest that dengue is severely affecting not only Delhi but all NCR cities as well.

(image: local circle)

71% of citizens surveyed in August indicated that their municipality was not or, very rarely, doing anti-mosquito fogging.

(image: local circle)

To understand the ground situation, LocalCircle has conducted a survey among residents of Delhi-NCR and got the overall percentage of people in 5 cities of Delhi-NCR who have got dengue this year.

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