Diabetes Chart: What should be your blood sugar level according to age, here is the chart

People who are between the age of 40 to 50 and are patients of muscle pain, then their fasting sugar level should be 90 to 130 mg/dL.

blood sugar chart Nowadays, the number of patients of sugar (diabetes) is increasing, the reason for this is bad food. Now people are coming in its grip at a very young age (blood sugar according to age). Because of which he talks a lot about his food habits (unhealthy diet). Today we are telling you about what should be the blood sugar level according to age. so that you take care of yourself.

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Sugar level according to age. sugar level by age

  • The blood sugar level of people above 18 years after one or two hours of eating 140 mg of food. And if you are fasting then 99 mg per day should be the start. After completing the age of 40 people should stop regular weekend checkup.
  • People who are between the age of 40 to 50 and are patients of muscle pain, their fasting sugar level can be 90 to 130 mg/dL. While 140 mg/dL after meals is considered less and 150 mg/dL after dinner is considered good. More than this it becomes a matter of concern. In this case, the doctor should be seen immediately.

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If you are a patient of blood sugar, then you should change the way you eat from the pan till the time you wake up. You are physically pounded. Exercise should be made a part of your lifestyle.
Avoid eating more sugar, salt, cold drinks, smoking, things which contain more carbohydrates do not attract him. Make sure to include salad in your diet.

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