Diamond Units Offers Free Movie Tickets. Surat News – Times of India

Surat: After the announcement of making a Hindi film by the state government, the k file, Tax Free, there is another good news for movie lovers. At least two diamond polishing units in the state have started giving tickets to their employees who want to watch the film and their announcement has gone viral on social media here. owns one such entity Ram Dabhi in Bhavnagar. “I proposed to my employees that if they wanted to see the film I would pay for their tickets. The makers of the film have shown the reality and people should know that,” Dabhi said.
There are 22 employees in Dabhi’s unit. He put up a notice in his unit and a picture of it went viral on social media to encourage others to make similar offers. Another diamond unit owner, Ghanshyam MoriIn Sehore A similar announcement was made to sponsor tickets for the film. He made its poster and made it viral on social media. However, the free ticket offer has not been well received by the labor union. He said, ‘We are not against any film. But the diamond units should first try to do welfare activities for their employees and then try such publicity stunts. It seems these units are trying to grab attention by making such offers,” said Bhavesh Tank, president of Diamond Workers Union Gujarat (DWUG). In a social media post, DWUG opposed the movie ticket offer. It said that diamond units should provide health insurance, provident fund and increase in salary to their employees. “Many units in the city and other parts of the state are not giving benefits to the workers as per the rules,” Tank said.