Did You Know Your Child’s Poor Mental Health Can Hinder Their Height? – News18

Genes play a big role in determining a child’s height.

Children’s height is related to how mentally healthy and happy they are, says biological anthropologist Professor Barry Bogin.

It is a natural and reasonable desire of all parents to want their children to grow up healthy. Every parent wants their child to reach their maximum potential of growth in terms of height. Although height is not necessarily a tool to map personality, everyone has their own maximum potentiality in terms of height, which should make them naturally as tall as they are meant to be.

But certain circumstances may come in the way of a child’s growth and parents must make sure that does not happen. While age-old traditions of proper diet, exercise and sleep remain determinants of a child’s height, new studies reveal that growing taller also depends on a child’s mental health.

Children’s height is related to how mentally healthy and happy they are, says biological anthropologist Professor Barry Bogin. Notably, he has been involved in human development research for more than 50 years. The expert asserts that kids always demand more love from their loved ones. Perhaps it can have a profoundly detrimental impact on the mind if he doesn’t receive the love they have been anticipating. These have an immediate impact on physical growth. It prevents the release of hormones, particularly those involved in height and body growth.

According to Professor Bogin, parents should spend as much time as possible with their kids. They should also recognise their children’s accomplishments and efforts. It cultivates optimistic thoughts in their heads, as well as increases self-confidence and keeps them content, all of which ensure that growth hormones are produced in the body in sufficient amounts.

Although children’s mental health has a significant impact on their height, hereditary factors cannot be fully disregarded because genes play a big role in determining a child’s height. Apart from all this, making your child follow a proper lifestyle, with the right amount of physical exercise, a balanced diet and abundant sleep also helps in their development.