Elon Musk tells Tesla to prototype robots by the end of September 2022

Musk believes Optimus can help solve the labor problem facing the manufacturing industry.

Musk says prototype of bot could arrive by end of September
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Musk says prototype of bot could arrive by end of September

Elon Musk has said that the most important project for Tesla in 2022 will be its “Tesla Bot,” a humanoid robot announced last year. Now Musk has revealed that the electric car maker may have a working prototype of a humanoid robot by September 30. Musk has said that the announcement may be made on the second day of Tesla’s AI Day event, which will take place on September 30. The robot project is now based on the Transformers cartoon series by Hasbro internally called “Optimus”. Last year, Tesla also announced its AI chip for the Dojo supercomputer that will likely be the fastest supercomputer on the planet.

The AI ​​Day event was earlier scheduled to take place on August 19, but the billionaire tweeted that the event had been delayed. He said that by then the working prototype of Optimus would be ready.


Musk has been overly aggressive about Optimus timeline

Tesla has ambitions to begin production of the robot by 2023 and after the original bot was announced last year, the company began actively hiring people for the project. Tesla also revealed that it will use its self-driving technology to enable the robot to understand the world around it.

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Musk revealed that Optimus will initially be programmed to perform repeatable tasks and help with its own manufacturing tasks. Musk believes Optimus can help solve employment issues.

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