Exams, competition, family pressure affecting mental health of students – Times of India

New DelhiMillions of students across the country are suffering from mental stress and educational institutions are well aware of this. Addressing this concern, the Centre, various states and educational institutions are coming forward to save the students from mental disorders.
However, the number of students suffering from mental stress and disorders has increased further after the COVID-19 pandemic. According to experts, there are many reasons for this. mental health Disorders in youth and adolescents including exam pressure, stress due to studies, competition From peer and family pressure.
Moreover, as the level of competition for getting admission in educational institutions is increasing, the pressure on the students is also increasing manifold. This results in mental disorders among students and even school dropouts.
Educational institutions have increased funding for the mental health of students. This will help the students suffering from mental stress to get primary mental health care in the schools itself.
According to the WHO, around 10 percent of adolescents globally experience a mental disorder. What is even more worrying is that they have no recourse to help or solve their problems.
Statistics further suggest that suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among youth aged 15-19 years. These figures are a warning to educational institutions that mental health disorders among students are a significant crisis and need to be addressed at the earliest.
Pediatrician PK Sharma said that COVID-19 has played a major role in increasing mental health problems among adolescents. The circumstances created due to the lockdown and the COVID-19 safety norms have created a vacuum, which has further affected people suffering from mental health.
Vinod Malhotra of Seth Anandram Jaipuria Group of Educational Institutions said that the current generation of school students are smarter and wiser than their predecessors, but are physically more fragile and mentally more stressed. These reasons are not difficult to understand.
However, the competition among students seeking admission in good educational institutions has risen to an alarmingly high level. The education system has a major role as it makes the present environment competitive and is putting a burden on the mental health of the children.
Malhotra says nuclear family practices have diminished the emotional support they get from grandparents and other senior family members. The concept of customs and values ​​passed down from elders to youth has become a thing of the past. Attention to these issues must necessarily shift to the school environment.
According to academics, a vision statement is being revised to keep children happy in the school and encourage learning in an atmosphere of joy among them.
Sujata Shahi, Vice Chancellor, IILM University, Gurugram, said: “The causes of mental health issues include family problems, financial difficulties, feelings of isolation, social pressure, anxiety and stress due to studies. To understand and address the social, Due to the emotional and psychological problems of the student community, most of the universities have started “counselling cell” in their college campus. It provides adequate support to the students through active listening and timely response.
Another powerful tool is the expert-driven training workshop that helps students identify, manage and solve problems with the integration of problem solving, conflict resolution, emotional intelligence and stress management with a regular curriculum. Also there is a need for a conducive environment to prioritize welfare.
Speaking on the issue, Karan Mehta of online exam preparation platform ‘TopPrankers’ said: “Preparation is the most important step to crack any exam. However, sometimes students feel anxious about it.”
Helping the student maintain personal motivation is essential to reduce mental stress. Sometimes, mental health is affected by how parents react to different situations at home while preparing for exams. To monitor this we organize regular parent-teacher meetings to motivate children to remind them of their responsibilities.