Exercising in the evening may not be a good idea. Ayurveda explains why

You probably don’t need to be told how important exercise is to your overall health at this point in time. Even the less obvious benefits of exercising — increased energy, better creative streaks, and even better quality of sleep — are well documented. However, it would be helpful if someone told you where you are in adjusting your workout schedule to your already full life. Many people, especially the late risers, choose to exercise late in the evening due to their busy schedules. But is it ideal? Dr Varalakshmi Yanamandra recently posted on Instagram why working out in the evening can be a bad idea according to Ayurveda.

Her post states that ideally, evening time is the time of day when your body should go into a state of rest and relaxation. Also, evening workouts may not be suitable for everyone. According to Dr. Varalakshmi, night is a vata predominant phase by nature and working late at night can aggravate vata and disrupt sleep patterns. It can also obstruct one’s blemishes.


After 7 pm, your body temperature drops and you start feeling sleepy. At this time our body is usually preparing for sleep. Working out at this time can disrupt your biological cycle. Exercise also stimulates the release of adrenaline and other active chemicals that can disrupt your sleep cycle. Evening exercises can also conflict with everyday duties, especially if they accumulate during the day.

Even though exercising in the evening is complicated, but if you keep a few things in mind, then you can make it effective.

Just make sure you haven’t eaten anything heavy for 30 minutes before the workout. Also, make sure you haven’t consumed too much fluid like water before exercising. This can sometimes cause abdominal pain. Before you start exercising, try to feel lighter. You can take a walk or join an evening yoga session.

Keep in mind that do not exercise just before bedtime. This should be at least two to three hours before your bedtime. This will help you to sleep better at night.

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