Explained: What is a Covid tongue and how can you recognize it

even though omicron Causing ‘slight’ infections as compared to Delta, variants have changed the future course of COVID mostly due to 3 reasons. First, the variant spreads faster than those previously identified. Second, it shows immunodeficiency properties. Third, people infected with Omicron have reported a wide range of symptoms that differ from one another. Recent studies have shown that in addition to flu-like symptoms such as sore throat, fever and body aches, patients are also complaining of burning sensations in the skin, tongue and other parts that are less talked about but can be equally disturbing.

What are the COVID symptoms on tongue?

COVID is known to affect your oral health as well. Many patients infected with this have complained of ulcers in the mouth, swelling on the tongue, while many have also complained of mouth ulcers. Such symptoms can cause discomfort while eating. Cases of the COVID tongue were also reported during the Omron wave.

Experts say that COVID can be caused by tongue virus and also due to heavy load of antibiotics.

Tim Spector, ZOE COVID Study App tweeted that, “…Seeing the increasing number of COVID Tongues and strange mouth ulcers. Stay home if you have any strange symptoms or just a headache and tiredness!”

Why are these symptoms less talked about?

These symptoms are mostly less discussed for 2 reasons. First, perhaps because they are underreported and second, they are less severe than other symptoms of the virus.

However, the WHO warns that symptoms of Omicron, such as mild colds and flu, should not be ignored. It may be less severe than Delta, but it is not a mild disease, the UN health agency has repeatedly warned.

What are other Omicron symptoms?

Several studies have shown that sore throat and body aches, especially in the shoulders and legs, are the main symptoms of Omicron.

UK-based coronavirus tracker ZOE COVID app has said in a study that people suffering from the COVID variant also complain of runny nose, headache, fatigue (mild or severe), sneezing.

The pain can be constant and bother you till you make a complete recovery from the disease. Patients suffer from numbness and weakness in the legs. Many people also complain of stiffness and numbness in the shoulder.

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