Fitness Tips: Is your time too much connected with TV? so keep yourself fit

1. Single Leg Circle

A combination of both palette stretching and cardio is considered great. There is no need for much frills to do this. It may be a little difficult in the beginning but with practice it can be made perfect. With this senses the single leg circle can prove to be illustrated.

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A combination of both palette stretching and cardio is considered great. photo credit: pixabay/stocksnap

How to do-

  • First go straight to your chatterbox.
  • Now be as much as your feet.
  • Straighten your leg up and down and balance.
  • Now do the same with your other leg.
  • During this, keep in mind that the students become straight and do not turn.

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2. Tadasana or mountain pose

This is a great exercise. This can give pleasure physically and mentally. With 30 minutes of exercise every day, you can keep yourself fit. It is very easy to do Tedasana.

Do like this-

  • First of all, separate your legs and get racked.
  • Now, while pressing the pelvis inward, straighten and stretch your spine.
  • Roll down and away from your shading.
  • If possible, take the shoulder blades closer.
  • Now inhale and stretch the body long by squeezing your bandhas above the head.
  • After this, flutter the soles of the feet with a jerk and take a deep breath.
  • In the last, the number of claws thickened to the heels is less.

3. Kick

The fitness of the body gets spoiled by sitting. In this case, you can use kick. This is a workout. You can do it in free time. Happy hormones are released by this workout and you can stay fit and stay healthy.

Do like this-

  • Step up with one foot first and kick the other foot.
  • Do it slowly in the beginning and then with practice you can speed up.

4. Jumping Jack

This is done as a high-intensity interval training workout. This burns calories and keeps the metabolic rate right. This is also very easy to do. Let’s know.

Do like this-

  • First of all, keep your feet away from the hips and stop straight keeping the hands on the side.
  • Now lift your chin up legs out to the sides and then it quickly joins.

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5. Sumo Squats

This also comes under high-intensity interval training workout. You can easily do this while watching TV. With this, body weight can be controlled.

Do like this-

  • Keep your feet slightly wider than hip.
  • Keep your weight on your heels and keep your chest and back straight.
  • Now lower yourself down until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • During this, keep in mind that your balance should be correct. If you want, you can take the help of someone else.

Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for appropriate medical opinion. Always consult your doctor or any specialist for more details. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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