Five carbohydrate-rich foods to eat for muscle growth

Everyone must have heard at least once in their weight loss journey that carbohydrates are not good for weight loss. However, this is a myth that now needs to be addressed. Not all carbohydrates are bad carbs; Some are actually important for muscle growth.

When you start shedding the extra kilos, the carbs help in building muscle to keep the skin tight. We have come up with a list of carbohydrates that you should include in your diet for muscle growth.

  1. banana
    Banana is a complex fruit that contains water, fat, protein, fiber, starch and sugar. A medium-sized banana is said to contain about 27 grams of carbohydrates. However, it contains resistant carbs which are easy to digest, thus giving us instant energy if we eat post or pre-workout.
  2. Potato
    When you are in the process of building muscle, you need foods that work to increase insulin levels. One such food is mashed potatoes. Potatoes do not spoil if eaten in limited quantities. You can include two to three cups of mashed potatoes in your diet daily as they are fast-acting carbs.
  3. Pulse
    While pulses are a great source of protein, they also contain carbs. However, they are good carbs. It is advisable to include pulses in your lunch as they are easy to digest and provide you with many other nutrients along with carbs.
  4. legumes
    Similarly, like pulses, beans are also a rich source of protein and carbs. They are complex carbs that include fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and iron. Different varieties like black beans or kidney beans help in muscle growth as it contains dietary fiber which is not enough in your regular diet.
  5. Mad
    Nuts like almonds, walnuts, peanuts etc contain healthy carbs and healthy fats. They contain carbs half of which come from fiber and as stated earlier, fiber helps in building muscle.

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