Garlic Chutney, Garlic Mayonnaise & More: 5 Garlic Side Dishes to Make with Meals

We have all been in a situation when we have disliked the taste of a dish because it was too bland or lacking in flavour. This is the time when sangat comes to our rescue! They have the ability to instantly enhance the taste of a dish to several degrees. Have our traditional Indian pickles, sauceRaita or Western-style dips and sauces – they pair well with almost anything and everything! Don’t you agree? Today we have brought you a list of 5 such garlic things that can enhance the taste of any food. If you are a fan of all things these, you will definitely be a fan of these. They are very easy to make and look very tasty to eat. So, without further delay, let’s start with the list.

Read also: 5 South Indian Dishes to Make Your Meals Better

Here are 5 garlic accompaniments you must try:

1. Garlic Chutney (our recommendation)

Lashun ki chutney, also known as Lashun ki chutney, is one of the easiest chutneys to make. All you have to do is grind garlic cloves with whole red chilies and a little salt to make a smooth paste. Its pungent and pungent taste can add beauty to any meal. Click here for the recipe.

2. Garlic Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is a great accompaniment that goes well with a variety of snacks. As the name suggests, this mayonnaise is bursting with garlic flavor and can be used as a dip for grilled sandwiches, potato wedges, french fries and more. Click here for the recipe.


3. Garlic and Herb Cream Cheese

Next, we bring you a creamy and delicious Garlic and Herb Cream Cheese recipe. This accompaniment is vegetarian as it uses cashew paste instead of cream cheese. Basil leaves help enhance the flavor of this dip. Click here for the recipe.


4. Garlic Tahini Sauce

Tahini paste is mixed with chopped garlic, salt, water and lemon juice to make this delicious garlic tahini sauce. You can serve it with lamb chops, roasted vegetables or ripe tomatoes. Click here for the recipe.

5. Tomato Garlic Chutney

This chutney has the flavor of garlic and tomato along with the taste of mustard seeds and curry leaves. It tastes best when eaten with roti or rice and will be a great addition to your lunch and dinner tables. Click here for the recipe.

so what are you waiting for? Try these recipes and let us know how they’re made in the comments below.