Ghaziabad: Man snatches chain, mobile from woman and teenager at gunpoint | watch

Image Source: ANI Incident captured in CCTV camera

A video has surfaced of a youth snatching a chain from a woman and mobile phone from a teenager at gunpoint in broad daylight in Ghaziabad’s Loni area on Monday.

The incident was captured in the CCTV camera. In the video, the accused is seen snatching the woman’s chain while pointing a pistol towards the woman and then moved towards the boy sitting on the scooty and snatched his mobile.

The police have registered the case and started investigation.

A woman’s chain and a boy’s mobile phone were snatched at gunpoint in broad daylight in Ghaziabad’s Loni area. The accused are being identified and probe is on,” said Rajneesh Kumar Upadhyay, DSP, Loni.

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