Ghee Vs Mustard Oil – Which Is Better? Nutritionist reveals the best cooking methods

In India, we have an age old culinary tradition of using country ghee, There are many other alternatives to cooking oil available as well. Oil bottles have many different and seemingly complicated labels that we don’t always understand. Also, we are often not sure which one to choose and how to use them in a healthful manner. In the northern and eastern states of the country, Mustard oil Traditional choice. Even today it is widely used throughout the country for cooking a variety of food. We asked consultant nutritionist Rupali Dutta to weigh in on the ghee vs mustard oil debate. Here’s what you need to know:
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Ghee or Mustard Oil – Which is Healthier?

Mustard oil imparts a distinctive flavor to food and is widely used, especially in northern and eastern Indian states. photo credit: iStock

“Mustard oil is said to be healthier than ghee because it is different in terms of its fatty acid profile,” says Rupali Dutta. Mustard oil has almost double the quantity monounsaturated fat compared to ghee. Additionally, this oil contains more polyunsaturated fat. It is important to note that both these types of fat can bring great benefits to your body. However, it is the saturated fat that poses a health risk and around 60-70% of desi ghee is made of this type. Recent studies suggest that saturated fat may have a greater impact on heart health than diet, according to a nutritionist. cholesterol, Hence, we cannot ignore their presence in our daily diet. But does this mean that you should give up ghee completely and switch to mustard oil? Unfortunately, the answer isn’t that simple. Keep reading to discover the best ways to use cooking oil:
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Ghee Vs Mustard Oil – Which One To Use For Deep Frying?


You should never use oil with a low smoke point for deep frying. photo credit: iStock

Remember that the consumption of deep-fried food, regardless of the oil used, should be moderated. According to experts, it is advisable to opt for ghee instead of mustard oil for deep frying, as it has a slightly higher smoke point (around 240°C). The smoke points of oils are important because they give an indication of their stability. Once the oil gets hotter than its smoking point, it starts to break down and can ruin the food being cooked in it. It can also harm your health. This is why oils with low smoke points such as extra virgin Olive Oil Should never be used for deep frying. In general, refined oil has a relatively high smoke point among other types. Therefore, it is not a bad option. However, for purposes other than deep frying, nutritionists do not recommend the exclusive use of mustard oil. Learn more below.
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Ghee Vs Mustard Oil – Which Is Better For Everyday Cooking?


Experts suggest that a combination of different types of oils can give you maximum benefits when done in the right way. photo credit: iStock

The answer is both – and other oils too! According to Rupali Dutta, the healthiest way to use oil for cooking is to choose a combination of different types. In its manual In ‘Dietary Guidelines for Indians’, here is the recommendation of the National Institute of Nutrition:

  • Groundnut or sesame or rice bran + mustard
  • Peanut or Sesame or Rice Bran + Canola
  • Peanut or sesame or rice bran + soybean
  • Palmolein + Soybean
  • Safflower or Sunflower + Palmolein + Mustard

This is to ensure a good balance of essential fatty acids for your body. According to Rupali Dutta, adding a small amount of ghee to these combinations is fine. But note that the total recommended consumption of cooking oil per person per month is 500 grams – and this would include your ghee consumption as well. One more thing to note: Certain types of desi ghee available in the market may adulterated With vanaspati ghee, which is high in trans-fats. This type of fat can have harmful effects on your health. Hence, you need to check the ingredients of ghee before buying and buy from reliable sources.
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Is Refined Mustard Oil Healthy?

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Ultra-processed commercial oils lack most of the nutrients of their original ingredients. photo credit: iStock

According to Rupali Dutta, cold-pressed oil (sometimes called “”)Raw Ghani“oils”) have many benefits because they are unrefined. This allows them to retain healthy fatty acids, vitamins, and other nutrients. However, they have a lower smoke point and are therefore used for cooking at higher temperatures. Can’t be done. Plus, it’s not always practical to invest in them because they need to be carefully obtained and stored. She recommends buying cold-pressed mustard oil in small quantities, if possible. You need to store it in a cool place and use it in conjunction with the oils mentioned earlier.

For practical reasons, one often has no choice but to use commercial oils. Unfortunately, most of these are ultra-processed, which strips them of their antioxidant, vitamin and mineral content. However, some refined oils may still retain their fatty acid profile, which can be useful, nutritionists say. Above all, be mindful of your intake of trans fat and saturated fat.
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Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult an expert or your own physician for more details. NDTV does not take responsibility for this information.