Google Street View camera captures man sitting on top of car; reddit user feedback

Recently in Wyoming, US, a person was caught sitting on top of a vehicle in Google’s roaming Street View car camera. The image was taken on Beaver Drive.

The picture is very blurry, but what can be seen is that a woman and a child are standing near the vehicle, but the couple seems to have looked at the car as their face appears to be in their direction.

The picture was shared on Reddit. The post’s comment read, “Oh no, daddy doing the doo-doo on the roof of the car again.”

The picture left the netizens happy on the stage. Several users gave the post an upvote and labeled the man as a madman.

Investigating the post, a user said, ‘The girl in the background in a yellow shirt is laughing. While another user commented, “Go behind a frame of the house and you can see a madman in a sitting position but with him the people left the llamao.”

Jimmy McGill aka Saul Goodman citing the hit show Better Call Saul as a user who said it’s a Chicago sunroof, is considered the act of defecating from the open sunroof of one’s car.

Several other users took the second approach and believe that the man was simply making adjustments to attach the bike to the roof of the car.

One expressed his view saying, “I think the man is just doing something right. And in one picture he is trying to cover his face with his hands. I think the man must have seen a Google car.” “

Another user viewing the photo said, “The man is still wearing his pants. Looks like he’s making adjustments to tie the bike on top of the car.”

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