Hansa Nandini: I will come back stronger

Actress Hansa Nandini, who has worked in several Telugu films, revealed that she is undergoing treatment for cancer

“No matter what life throws at me, no matter how unfair it may seem, I refuse to play the victim.” This statement has come from actor Hamsa Nandini on her official Instagram and Twitter accounts. He revealed that the actress, known for her glamorous roles in Telugu cinema, was diagnosed with grade III invasive carcinoma (breast cancer) four months ago.

After losing her mother to cancer, Hansa Nandini was worried. She was advised to undergo a lumpectomy, 16 cycles of chemotherapy and radiation. She says she felt a sense of déj vu, reminiscing about her mother’s battle with cancer that ended with her passing. The actor was also advised to undergo a BRCA genetic test. “I tested positive for the BRCA1 mutation and my fight turned into an absolute war,” she reveals.

She was told she had a 70% chance of getting another breast cancer and a 45% chance of developing ovarian cancer. “I will have to undergo several prophylactic surgeries during the next three years. It is impossible to eliminate all risks and as long as I live, the risk of cancer will remain.”

She’s gone through nine cycles of chemo, and has seven more to go.

On the bravery front, the actor said that she looks forward to go through the journey with optimism and would like to come back stronger and better in acting.
