Here are five must-have supplements for Millennials, based on research

In recent years, the pace of our life has accelerated significantly and it has become very demanding. This is especially true for millennials. Stress, irregular sleep patterns, fast food and lack of physical activity have all become common. To tackle these modern lifestyle issues, it is important to maintain a healthy diet rich in all the nutrients.

However, we can no longer depend on certain foods to meet all our nutritional needs. This is where supplements come in and help in maintaining the overall health of our body. But, with so many options available, how do we choose the right supplement? Here’s a list to help us navigate the space:

Multivitamins are supplements that contain essential vitamins and minerals that the body needs to function properly. While it is best to get all of our nutrients from food, many people cannot meet their dietary needs through food alone. Multivitamins make up for the nutritional deficiencies in our diet and provide our body with a healthy supply of essential nutrients.

They protect your body from diseases and deficiencies by supplying essential vitamins and minerals. They have been shown to reduce heart disease, prevent cancer, support a healthy body, and boost immunity to meet daily challenges. There are many options available on the eCommerce platform and in the market at large, which differ based on the needs of men and women.

Omega 3
Omega-3 fatty acids are important nutrients for maintaining a healthy body. It helps in reducing the cholesterol level in our body, resulting in a healthy metabolism and heart. Omega-3s contain three fatty acids – alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

It is an essential fat that our body cannot make. Our food is its source. However, if food is insufficient to meet omega-3 requirements, fish oil supplements may be taken. It is rich in omega-3 along with other essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals for the body.

Adequate omega-3s in our bodies improve focus and overall health by promoting proper respiratory, cardiovascular activity, nervous system and musculoskeletal health. In addition, it helps in relieving neck and lower back pain.

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vitamin D
While our bodies have the ability to produce vitamin D through sun exposure, the sun alone does not always meet our body’s needs, and factors such as limited sun exposure play a significant role in this. Supplements, on the other hand, can meet unfulfilled needs. Vitamin D is essential for maintaining muscle strength, bone integrity and blood pressure. In addition, it improves immunity. Studies show that vitamin D can help relieve headaches and migraines.

Biotin, also known as vitamin H, belongs to the group of B complex vitamins. Biotin is known to stimulate keratin production in the body, resulting in healthy, shiny hair. Research also supports that the production of fatty acids nourishes the skin and helps maintain the health of our skin. In addition, adding biotin to our diet helps in improving our metabolism. Along with the consumption of fast or processed foods, an unbalanced diet often has an impact on our digestive processes. Biotin supports the digestive system in breaking down complex carbohydrates, amino acids and carbohydrates.

plant based protein
Plant-based proteins are fast becoming synonymous with the active lifestyle of today’s millennials. Being lower in calories and fat than animal protein but higher in fiber and essential nutrients, it provides the body with the perfect fuel to exercise. A popular type of plant-based protein is a blend of pea and brown rice that contains essential nutrients and a complete amino profile.

Unlike whey protein, which is made from cow’s milk and contains lactose, plant-based protein is a good choice for vegetarians or those who are lactose intolerant. They are better absorbed by our body than whey protein. As a result, the body gains muscle mass, recovers faster, and gains energy and stamina. So, whether it’s for a strenuous workout or simply to boost our stamina, plant-based protein is the way to go.

While supplements are not a substitute for a well-balanced diet, they do provide us with essential daily nutrients that help us stay healthy. Thus, investing in dietary supplements is a necessary step towards optimal wellness.

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