How important is it to invest in mental health in the workplace? trace

Well-being refers to the state of a person’s continued well-being. In the workplace, an important aspect of supporting and maintaining good mental health and wellbeing is creating an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their mental health. Unfortunately, employees experiencing poor mental health may hesitate to share it with their employer. Even if they do, they may not feel adequately supported, unlike with physical health conditions.

Around the world, work-related stress is one of the most important issues for employees in many organizations. “With fundamental changes in workloads and job descriptions in recent years, increases in personal stress levels have been a significant consequence of this changing work environment. Workplace policies to promote and protect employee mental health and well-being Policies and activities vary widely. Although there has been a collective effort among businesses in recent years to increase employee engagement and well-being in general, research shows that when it comes to stress management Organizations are probably not putting their best foot forward,” says Hemant Sethi, Country Head, India, British Security Council.

There is often a direct correlation between working long hours and work-related stress, as people may feel the need to work longer hours to increase productivity. However, it’s important to note that spending more hours on a project doesn’t always guarantee increased productivity. “People often don’t realize that the quality of time spent working is more important because working five hours at one hundred percent efficiency is better than eight hours at fifty percent efficiency,” says Sethi.

Indian businesses are starting to invest in employee wellness programs, but senior management must lead their efforts to be effective.

Sethi suggests some steps organizations should take to promote mental health in the workplace:

  1. maintain good communication
    Organizations can ensure that their employees feel valued and encourage a culture of openness. It is essential for managers to constantly keep open lines of communication with their team members regarding their well-being.
  2. flexible work options
    Organizations can ensure that jobs are more flexible depending on individual circumstances. Wherever possible, it is advisable to consult employees before making any changes or taking any decisions that may affect them. Employees need to be encouraged to ask questions so that they feel included.
  3. Understand and learn more about stress relievers
    Organizations need to be more proactive in learning about stressors so they can point their teams toward additional support and help them deal with it. Managers can ask employees to use mindfulness apps or podcasts, which are known to be of good help with stress management.
  4. Pay attention to early signs of stress
    Managers need to be more attuned to signs of tension among their subordinates. Some common early symptoms of stress are poor concentration, low mood, feeling overwhelmed and irritability. If managers spot any of these signs in team members, they should check in with them.
  5. practice what you preach
    Senior managers should actively promote a healthy lifestyle by maintaining a good work-life balance, managing working hours, utilizing full leave entitlements and taking lunch breaks.

Employers can promote good mental health and wellbeing every day by providing an inclusive, welcoming and supportive environment at work.

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