IAN – IIT Kanpur Future Tech Accelerator Program launched

The accelerator program was launched on 16 January at the Outreach Center of IIT Kanpur, Noida

The eight startups selected are: Yantram Medtech, Arthvedika Tech, ProPlant, Workers Union Support, Secure Blink, StarvingGlobal Era, Arishti Info Labs and Cyber ​​Nexa

Indian Angel Network (IAN) and IIT Kanpur, through their technology business incubator, Startup Incubation and Innovation Center (SIIC), have come together to launch “IAN – IIT Kanpur Future Tech Accelerator Program”. The accelerator program was launched on 16 January at the Outreach Center of IIT Kanpur, Noida.

The eight startups selected are: Yantram Medtech, Arthvedika Tech, ProPlant, Workers Union Support, Secure Blink, StarvingGlobal Era, Arishti Info Labs and Cyber ​​Nexa.

This is a 4-6 months long structured program that will offer one-on-one mentorship support, investor connect, business connect and pitch deck for fundraising to a shortlisted group of eight startups.

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Pro. Amitabh Bandyopadhyay, Associate Professor In-Charge (Incubation & Innovation) said, “This accelerator program provides foundational support to early-stage startups with an aim to build them into revenue-generating businesses. I am confident that the selected groups will do justice to the objectives of the program and emerge as successful startups. This is a much needed intervention towards strengthening the national startup ecosystem. As a partner institute, I am looking forward to its successful execution and the results to be achieved through it. Congratulations.”

Rajneesh Kapoor, Managing Partner, IAN Fund, said, “This program will help startups understand their target market, better shape their product, improve their ability to tell their story to investors, and ultimately raise up to Rs 30 crore. In our first cohort, the accelerator will work with eight companies from sectors ranging from health tech to social impact. The partnership between IIT Kanpur and IAN brings together the expertise of one of India’s leading technical institutions and the country’s Bringing together the resources of one of the most successful angel investment networks, this collaboration will provide startups with cutting-edge technology, industry connections, and mentorship from successful entrepreneurs and investors.

Dr. Nikhil Agarwal, CEO, First & AIIDE-CoE, said, “I would like to extend my heartiest congratulations to the shortlisted group of eight remarkable startups. The structured program will provide them exposure to two leading ecosystems in the Indian startup landscape, i.e. Indian Angel Network and IIT Kanpur. I am sure it will be a wonderful opportunity for them. I have high expectations from these startups. Such collaborations can make a tremendous difference to Indian startups by helping them in their journey to become successful business models.

The program was launched on National Startup Day 2023 to celebrate the importance of the day in the fast-growing national startup ecosystem, with an aim to empower these indigenous startups to implement their innovative technology solutions and create markets for them. Had to support

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