In the season of Dhanteras, this ego brings happiness and prosperity in hot weather

Festival 2022: Ganesh Lakshmi became on the coin of Dhanteras coin, that is also a victory.

What to eat in Dhanteras: Only few days are left for Diwali. Looking at the recording. Colorful fringes are starting to appear. Clean clean is also starting. Just before Diwali. Well bought and well suited. , Know. This mascot. About Sunday.

this also further

On the day of Dhanteras What to do on the day of Dhanteras

On the day of Dhanteras, sir… Mata Lakshmi is pleased with monthly worship. Buying acid on it is also auspicious.

– Diagonally, Ganesh Lakshmi became on the coin of Dhanteras coin, that too Shubra. This is good.

– Improve when you get better when you get better. Its

– Fast, fast-moving substances are affected by this kind of impact, so it is essential for charging.

Dhanteras items should also be bought. Saturn has an effect on this. In this product from nakpool, pak, sun or sharp object. This is auspicious.

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