Indira Ekadashi 2022: Do not do this even wrongly on Indira Ekadashi, the method of worship of worship

Indira Ekadashi Vrat 2022: Pay special attention to Indra Ekadashi Vrat.

Indira Ekadashi 2022 Date: Ekadashi fast is to please Vishnu. Indira Ekadashi (Indira Ekadashi 2022) is on the Ekadashi of Shukla Krishna of Ashwin month. This is extremely important and it is also very much. Information about astrology, the fast of this Ekadashi (Indira Ekadashi 2022 Vrat Mistakes) come 🙏

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Indira Ekadashi date 2022 | indira ekadashi 2022 date and time

The date of Ashwin Krishna’s Indradhipati date is 20th exactly 9.26 am. Start the date of Badli Ekadashi on 21st 21st at 34:34. According to the date of Udya the date for which date is fixed on the 21st. Satyagraha was reflected on 22.

Do not do these 5 things during Indra Ekadashi fast. Indira Ekadashi 5 Mistakes

Use clean clothes while worshiping on the day of Indira Ekadashi. A liar is a liar than a liar.

Before sunrise on the day of Indradisi Vrat. Those who do not make special taste food in this house.

Do tricks on the day of Ekashi fast. Name of this brinjal brinjal, masoor ki nai:

After Ekashi Vrat, for peace and tranquility. Do not respect the elders of the house.

Significance of Indira Ekadashi Vrat | Significance of Indira Ekadashi 2022

According to the rituals, they worship Shri Krishna during the fast of Indridashi. Vaphaunadauna is that this var r p r p r p r p r p ryrauraur t to ruirraur tayrraur and mind r balanced balanced rur mind balanced balanced Vayan is the only kanadaumaumaun of kana. Devotees are fasting for the fulfillment of their wishes. Vabatana is that in this world kayras p e p e p e sams e sams kaytak sams kanama bhi kasama bhi bhi kastama bhi kayna bhi kayna bhi kayana bhi kay kasta bhi kasta samsa samasa sama pe blizzard

Indridra Ekadashi Worship | Indira Ekadashi 2022 Worship Method

On the day of Indradisi, fasting is done first thing in the morning. After Ahmedabad, Vishnu’s health is looked after. Flowers, Panchamrit and flowers. The meditation of Shri Krishna is the chanting of mantras. ️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ The whole day should be fine after executing. Along with this, grains and clothes are donated to them. The fast is followed by Prabhatpheri.

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