Innovation and adoption will drive India’s EV growth

Driven by ever-increasing demand and proactive government incentives, India’s Electric Vehicle (EV) industry has shown exponential growth over the last two years. Domestic four-wheeler EV sales are set to cross the 60-65,000 mark in 2022-23. The global embrace of clean energy has catalysed this movement. Customers are also choosing EVs due to their better operating costs, ease of refueling (with home charging stations and gradually growing charging networks), and the attractive range and performance they offer, apart from being environmentally conscious . To keep up with the enthusiasm, auto players are gearing up to diversify their EV portfolio with new models and promises of improved performance.

Value of Innovation: To explore the potential growth of EV technology, we must look at its basics. The current market is dominated by NCM (Nickel Manganese Cobalt) and LFP (Lithium Iron Phosphate) batteries. Top auto players are trying to innovate at the battery level, striving to create power-packs that are cheap, energy-dense and lightweight. Incremental improvements can be expected to be complemented with chemistry breakthroughs.

In addition to looking at the core technology involved in powering electric cars, we must also examine the production, distribution and consumption processes. The pandemic has reinforced the value of a resilient supply chain, and we must integrate these learnings with new paradigms for the EV ecosystem. Appropriate research on composite materials and combination innovations along with innovative technical and design options will go a long way in addressing the shortage of raw materials. Creating indigenous capacity for in-demand items like batteries and semiconductors will eventually help address problems arising out of import dependence.

India’s move towards electrification must be in line with a broader move towards digitization and overall sustainability. Using circular manufacturing practices, recycling batteries and adopting a robust digital infrastructure to provide visibility into the supply chain will be critical in smoothening our move towards electric mobility. Virtual connectivity and advanced technologies provided through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) can help enhance customer experience while maximizing product efficiency and performance. Connected EVs offer advanced safety and data analysis tools that track vehicle productivity in addition to alerting customers of the nearest charging stations and helping them navigate roads in real-time. Data collected from a connected database on driving and usage patterns can help optimize battery life and increase efficiency.

The transformative possibilities of digital automotive twins – virtual replicas of cars that contain every aspect of a real car, including its physical body, software and mechanics – could revolutionize the way automakers operate. Digital twins offer myriad possibilities, allowing manufacturers to test products, judge manufacturing capabilities, train employees, and enhance customer service as well as the speed and quality of car development based on customer usage patterns. Allows real time analysis of failure modes. The application of Industry 4.0 concepts will also allow for a digital product development framework that will ensure rapid movement towards sustainable e-mobility.

Another front where virtual technology could have a game-changing impact is on EV charging. Smart charging, where the EV and charging device share a data connection and are connected to the cloud, essentially means adapting the EV’s charging cycles to the needs of vehicle users and the power system. It provides a valuable way to optimize the charging process by integrating EVs being charged at a single station and taking into account energy availability and customer preferences. Ultimately, this could reduce the strain on the power grid in general and save car users money.

With such exciting prospects in the field, EV optimism rules high. However, original equipment manufacturers in the auto-sector are also required to mitigate potential threats to privacy and customer security through a comprehensive cyber security framework.

The EV roadmap adopted by Tata Motors is the result of a planned approach taken from an early stage. The step-by-step strategy adopted by us started with restructuring the model at the component level, which led to the introduction of EVs in our portfolio, which are classified as first generation Tata EVs. Through this strategy, we introduced the Nexon, Tigor and Tiago EVs, which were considered the perfect package for consumers looking to go electric. These products have played a key role in removing the barriers to EV uptake in the country. Tata’s strategy now is to let the second and third generation vehicles (unveiled as Curve and Avinya respectively) showcase our potential for disruptive solutions, both in manufacturing and offering products.

Catalyzing EV growth: Positive hype from existing customers, along with a range of aspirational yet accessible product offerings, should help drive EV demand even further. Going forward, leading automakers are expected to unveil a range of innovative EV offerings to meet contemporary needs. Tata Motors itself has committed to launch 10 new EVs by 2026. Accelerating our embrace of a clean-mobility future will involve not only going electric, but also access to innovative battery technologies and robust supply networks with digital connectivity. At the heart of our pursuit, as always, we must aim to provide an unmatched and seamless customer experience.

Anand Kulkarni is the Vice President, Operations, Product Line and Procurement and Supplier Quality, Tata Passenger Electric Mobility.

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