Instagram to launch feature to block irrelevant video clips in users’ feeds

New Delhi: Meta-owned Instagram is working on the kind of content that users want to see in their feed. The company is soon going to launch a non-interest button to fix this issue. After receiving strong criticism from users a few days ago for inserting a significant amount of irrelevant video clips into their feeds, Instagram has now rolled up its sleeves to address the problem.

To give users more discretion over the type of content they see in their feed, the meta firm is now exploring new options. Instagram Meta’s parent company said in a blog post that it is trying two new ways to enhance its customer experience. A “Not Interested” button will soon be available in its Settings option, allowing users to select multiple posts and indicate they don’t want to see them. ,Also read: Attention! 5 big changes in September 2022 that will directly affect your finances,

This will immediately make that content disappear and prevent related content from appearing in their Explore tab. The app now allows users to flag a specific post by clicking on it. Users will be able to flag multiple video content with this adjustment. ,Also read: Big relief for LPG customers! OMC announces huge hike in LPG cylinder price — Check how much you have to pay in your city,

In addition, Instagram will soon begin testing a feature that allows users to select specific words, phrases or emoji that don’t appear in captions or hashtags for suggested photos. You can use this tool to prevent you from seeing information that interests you, the business writes in the blog post, “Are you seeing something that isn’t relevant or has been overtaken by something that is not relevant to you?” You liked it.”

The new updates have come out only a month after the users uproar over the change in the app. Users saw a lot of unrelated videos in their feeds as a result of changes the firm made to its algorithms. You can currently turn off Instagram suggested posts for a period of 30 days. It enables you to stop viewing suggested posts immediately. Tap the X in the top right corner, then select Remind all suggested posts for 30 days to remind the post.