International Beer Day 2022: 5 Tips to Taste Beer Like a Pro

A cold mug of frothy, frothy beer is all we need to rejuvenate after a long, tiring day. International Beer Day, which falls on the first Friday of August every year, celebrates the alcoholic beverage that brings joy to many. The day calls for tasting beer with loved ones and celebrating famous beer brands across the world. If you are planning to celebrate Beer Day by tasting some good beers with your friends or family, make sure to do it the right way.

Beer tasting is an art in which there are certain sensations, which are not difficult to achieve. With input from popular mixologist Nitin Tiwari, we have listed down some pro tips that will help you taste the beer and make an impression on the gathering.

(Also read: 5 Benefits of Beer, Really!,

Beer enjoys immense popularity among the masses.

Here are 5 tips for expert beer tasting:

1. Store beer at the correct temperature. Check label for guidance.

2. Taste one category of beer, one at a time. mix different types of beer May confuse your taste buds.

3. Don’t know what beer it is? Keep in mind that translucent beers are lager beers and beers that look slightly hazy are wheat beers.

4. Make sure the glass you are going to pour the beer into should be clean. Any residue in the glass can change the taste of the beer.

5. First start drinking by smelling the beer, which mostly comes from the beer head (foam above). Then take a sip of it, first swish it in your mouth and then swallow it.

The Indian market offers a range of local and international beer brands to provide their patrons with a great premier experience. Do you know that domestic Indian brands are capturing the market faster than ever? Here are some Indian beer brands that you should check out.

Along with the weekend, plan a beer tasting to celebrate International Beer Day like a true beer lover. And don’t forget to pair your beer with these snacks.

About Neha GroverHis love for reading sparked his writing instinct. Neha is guilty of being deep-set with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring her nest of thoughts on the screen, you can see her reading while sipping coffee.