ISF MLA Naushad Siddiqui attacked in Kolkata, one arrested

Indian Secular Front (ISF) MLA Naushad Siddiqui. file | Photo Credit: ANI

Indian Secular Front MLA Naushad Siddiqui was attacked in Kolkata when he was addressing a program and the accused has been arrested, police said.

Mr. Siddiqui was addressing state government employees demanding a hike in Dearness Allowance (DA) in Maidan area on Saturday when the incident took place.

As the ISF MLA was finishing his speech, a man suddenly stood on the dais and asked him what he had done for the minorities. In response, the MLA said that he does not do anything for any particular community, but soon the man raised his hand and tried to slap him.

He pushed Mr. Siddiqui.

Stunned by the sequence of events, onlookers soon overpowered the man and inflicted a few punches on him. Mr Siddiqui, who was on the mic, was heard saying, “Don’t do anything to her, please keep calm. It’s a drama. Let the police take it away.”

Mr. Siddiqui, a staunch critic of the Mamata Banerjee government, was recently released on bail After being arrested during a protest rally in the city in January.

The person who allegedly attacked Mr. Siddiqui has been identified as a resident of Bankra in Howrah district. He was arrested after being rescued by the police, officials said.

Further investigation is underway.