Jaipur serial blasts case: Supreme Court refuses to stay High Court’s decision to acquit four people

A file photo of the Supreme Court of India in New Delhi. The Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to stay the Rajasthan High Court’s decision acquitting four people sentenced to death in the 2008 Jaipur serial blasts case. , photo credit: s. subramaniam

The Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to stay the Rajasthan High Court’s decision acquitting four people sentenced to death in the 2008 Jaipur serial blasts case.

Justice Abhay S. Oka and Rajesh Bindal, however, stayed a Instructions passed in the decision of 29 March The Rajasthan High Court has asked the state Director General of Police to order an inquiry against the investigating officers.

The bench said it was not going to “mechanically stay” the High Court order and the acquittals needed to be heard first. It directed the four men to surrender their passports and mark their presence before the Anti-Terrorism Squad police station in Jaipur.

The Supreme Court was hearing petitions filed by the state government and family members of the blast victims.

A trial court upheld the death sentence in December 2019.

In December 2019, a trial court sentenced Mohd Saif, Mohd Salman, Saifur Rehman and Mohd Sarwar Azmi to death.