Jammu and Kashmir People’s Conference chief Sajjad Lone says common Kashmiris are scared of all sides including the state

In a special conversation with India Today, Jammu and Kashmir People’s Conference chief Sajjad Lone said that common Kashmiris are scared ‘from all sides’ today.

Sajad Lone (Photo: FILE)

in 24 hours alone, Two non-locals killed in terror attacks in Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday. Speaking on the recent incidents of targeted killings in the Valley, Jammu and Kashmir People’s Conference chief Sajjad Lone said that, at this point of time, a common Kashmiri is scared “from all sides”, including in the state.

In an exclusive interview with India Today, he said, “A certain level of violence has never left Kashmir, it always has been. Violence has to be countered functionally and psychologically. And psychologically, things have gone from bad to worse in Kashmir after the abrogation of Article 370. Officials now openly use Bahubali language here. To fight terrorism, you need to encourage the local people [to help]Don’t scare them. ,

‘Not just non-Muslims’

Sajjad Lone said that only non-Muslims are not being killed in the Valley. “Not a day passes when a Kashmiri Muslim is not murdered. We are just as on the receiving end. It is a very painful moment for us in Kashmir when civilians are being killed. We are helpless,” he said.

He said that most of the local Kashmiris are feeling the pain of the people being targeted by terrorists in the attacks. “I can tell you, my mother cried for what happened to that woman yesterday morning. I went to a wedding yesterday and everyone was talking about her. People are feeling the pain. They are scared. , “They said.

‘The best way to defeat’

According to Sajjad Lone, the best way to defeat attackers is to “not be afraid”.

“I know it’s too easy for me to say because I have protection, not for those who are out there. But the best way to beat [terrorists] Don’t be afraid. When my father was murdered, we were given ten days to leave. I didn’t have any protection, but I stayed and I’m glad I did,” he said.