Migrant laborer shot dead in Kashmir hours after banker’s murder

Police have cordoned off the area. (file)


Hours after a bank manager was killed in Kulgam, terrorists today shot dead a migrant laborer in Budgam, Kashmir. Another worker was injured in the attack and has been admitted to the hospital.

Officials said that the terrorists opened fire on two non-local laborers at a brick kiln at Magrepora in Chadoora area of ​​central Kashmir district.

The laborer who died in the attack has been identified as Dilkush Kumar of Bihar.

The police have cordoned off the area and are on the lookout for the terrorists involved in the incident that took place at 9.10 pm.

The union territory has been rattled in recent months by a series of targeted killings, after Vijay Kumar, a manager of Ilkwai Dehati Bank, was shot dead in Kulgam district on Thursday. Kumar was a native of Rajasthan.

Terrorists shot dead Kumar inside the bank premises, the eighth targeted killing in the Valley since May 1 and the third killing of a non-Muslim government employee.

Various political parties have attacked the BJP over the situation in Kashmir and sought an answer from the local administration for the spurt in the targeted killings.