Kovid-19 Vaccine: This civic body to vaccinate people at weddings

The Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation in Gujarat has started vaccination campaigns at wedding venues amid concerns over the omicron version of the coronavirus. A team of health officials has started random checking of vaccination certificates at various wedding venues. District health officers will do partial vaccination vaccinated people on the sites. A team of health officials reached various wedding venues like party plot and community hall on Thursday.

According to Dr. Falgun Vaidya, who was part of the team of doctors on COVID-19 duty, said, “To complete the second dose coverage, we are here on the spot checking certificates and vaccinations of people. Our There are 70-80 urban health centers nearby. Before this vaccination drive, we had collected all the data of weddings in the city.

A beneficiary, Ghanshyam Patel, who burst into tears at a wedding venue, lauded the efforts of the health department and said that he had skipped his second dose due to long queues.

He said, “Generally due to office hours, I don’t have much free time to go for vaccinations. Now that I have taken time out for this marriage, I have also got second dose of vaccine.”

According to MyGov. in the portal, Gujarat So far 8,38,88,942 doses of Kovid-19 vaccines have been given. Of these, 4,61,54,135 people have been given the first dose while 3,77,34,807 people have been fully vaccinated.

Yesterday, 70 new cases of coronavirus infection were reported in Gujarat in the last 24 hours, taking the number of cases in the state to 8,27,943. The death toll due to the viral infection remained unchanged at 10,095 and no one died of the pandemic during the day. According to the state health bulletin, there are 459 active cases including eight patients who are on ventilators.

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