Liz Truss | A promise to keep, an emotional void to fill

The UK’s new prime minister is tasked with responding to the energy crisis, implementing supply-side reforms to boost growth, reviving the Conservative Party and leading the nation in mourning for a monarch.

The UK’s new prime minister is tasked with responding to the energy crisis, implementing supply-side reforms to boost growth, reviving the Conservative Party and leading the nation in mourning for a monarch.

If there is one person who Newly appointed Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Liz Truss Perhaps the one who would like to have a quiet conversation during his first week in office is former Labor Prime Minister Tony Blair. Mr Blair ignited the imagination of a nation mourning the sudden death of Diana, Princess of Wales in a car accident in Paris in 1997, when he described her as a “princess of the people”. At a time when the royal family faced criticism for a lack of public response to the tragedy, Mr Blair’s words comforted the British people and established his credentials as a leader in line with the pulse of the nation.

Ms Truss now faces similar circumstances, with the passing of the nation’s longest-reigning Queen Elizabeth II, the prime minister’s well-laid plans for her early days at 10 Downing Street. to break Those plans include an estimated £100bn package aimed at skyrocketing energy prices to their current levels, a fiscal intervention whose size has been few past examples except in times of war. The Truss government will, in the coming weeks, also launch a comprehensive response to the growing challenge of a faltering UK economy, including tax cuts, avoiding “handouts”, implementing supply-side reforms to spur growth, and increasing access to resources. Along with strengthening the struggling national. healthcare and defense sector.

Yet these policy imperatives may, in a political sense, play a second role to the collective emotional needs of the nation once again mourning the death of a respected member of the royal family. Can Ms Truss, who was in the Queen’s presence earlier this week after winning the race to become the country’s next prime minister, rise to the challenge? A look at her path to high office during her many years in the trenches of the Conservative Party reveals that she has the personal and leadership traits that can help her accomplish this.

Indeed, if there is one strength that Ms Truss has demonstrated in the past, it is her broad adaptability of politics, her flexibility of political posture in response to big-picture expediencies. For example, in the early years of Ms Truss’s political career, she began as a member of the Liberal Democrats party, which is currently a great political distance from her position.

Born in 1975 in Oxford to a mathematics professor father and nurse mother, Ms Truss describes her parents as “left-wing”, recalling the many discussions on political activism at her family’s dining table. When she was still young, she participated with her mother for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, “an organization strongly opposed to it. [former Prime Minister Margaret] The Thatcher government’s decision to allow US nuclear weapons to be installed at RAF Greenham Common, “not far from London.

After finishing school in Leeds in the early 1990s, Ms Truss studied philosophy, politics and economics at Oxford University – considered the classic route to the chair of prime minister in the UK – where she also became president of the university. liberal Democrats. His liberal politics was clearly deep at the time as he spoke at the Liberal Democratic convention in favor of abolishing the monarchy, even on record. Yet by the end of her time at Oxford she had jumped ship for the Tories, an act that is said to have been a blow to her left-leaning parents, but one that some of her friends did. Recognized as a natural philosophical advance, because she was a “market liberal.”

Thatcher’s image

Ms Truss’s transformation into a staunch Conservative came several years down the road, when as she rose through the ranks, she began to carefully develop Ms Thatcher’s image, from dressing like the “Iron Lady” of the British. Politics featured a famous photo of Ms Thatcher in Germany in 1986, posing in a Challenger 2 tank, visiting British troops in Estonia while she was the UK Foreign Secretary.

The other major change Ms Truss made in her political position was her switch from being a ruthless remainer on Brexit to being former Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s frontline crusader on the terms of post-Brexit trade deals with the EU. communicate. In doing so, he took a confrontational stance on plans for the Northern Ireland Protocol, a strategy that made him popular with the hard-line wing of the Conservative Party. Regardless, Ms Truss’s government will face a challenge on this front on 15 September, when they will have to respond to EU legal action over an alleged failure to implement the protocol.

Ms Truss’s critics have often described her as a political “chameleon” or “shape shifter” with a practical edge. His most recent handling of Mr Johnson’s exit saga certainly points to his changing politics. While she was smart enough to steer clear of the Conservative coup that led to Mr Johnson’s removal from Downing Street, she still managed to avoid being labeled as a shaky Johnson supporter, a fine distinction that had After that paved the way for the climb to the top. Work.

future challenges

Undoubtedly a future challenge Ms Truss will face is that in the prime ministerial contest against former chancellor Rishi Sunak, she won the support of 81,326 of her party’s members, while her opponent got 60,399 votes. This was a much smaller margin than expected and represents less than 50% of the members of the Conservative Party, given that about 20% of them did not vote. This means that Ms Truss must now convince a large section of her party members that her approach is optimal for dealing with the country’s multi-faceted economic and energy crisis. This will apply to major policy initiatives he has taken so far, including his plan to introduce £30bn in tax cuts, reversing the increase in national insurance, temporarily dropping the green levy on energy bills, and a planned increase. includes terminating. Corporation tax.

In the wider canvas of British politics, there is an urgent need to revive the Conservative Party and underscore its potential in dealing with the post-Brexit world for the benefit of the British people and UK businesses. It also includes helping the party escape the iconic quagmire of sledge scandals that left the Johnson government behind and, in today’s context, truly represents the spirit of the nation as it mourns the loss of Queen Elizabeth.

For Ms Truss, her biggest learning at 10 Downing Street may be that there may be some gains from her political ups and downs, but it can sometimes come with a high cost. It may well be that in the highly visible role of prime minister, Truss finds that voters hold her to a high standard, one that is steadfast in commitment and for the promises made.