Lose weight and belly fat fast in winter with these detox drinks

Not just you, there are many other people too who have a tendency to put on weight during winters. Blame it on the weather, our increased appetite or the delicious food around us, it is difficult to stop binge eating, let alone resist the temptations. Food has the natural ability to warm us and comfort us, and we are not letting go of it in this bitter cold. But only when we see our weight scales tipping upward and tires developing on our stomachs do we end up regretting some of our decisions. Fret not, there are many ways to deal with winter weight gain, and we have the easiest solution for you – detox drinks!

Starting the day with detox water can burn fat gained from the previous day and boost metabolism for the current day. Dietician Ambika Dandona suggests some incredible detox water options that can help you shed the winter weight in no time.

Here are 4 detox waters to reduce winter weight and belly fat. Which detox drinks are good for weight loss?

1. Ginger and Mint Water

We all know that ginger provides us with various health benefits, especially in winters. Weight loss is one of them. Combine it with mint and you have a refreshing fat-burner drink. Put a small piece of ginger in a glass of water. Put some mint leaves and leave it for a few hours. Try drinking this water in the morning.

2. Green Tea and Lemon

You’re probably drinking hot green tea every day in hopes of digesting the foods you eat and losing some weight. Speed ​​up the process by adding lemon to it. Lemon is known to reduce excess fat in the body and enhance the weight loss properties of green tea.

3. Cumin water

A simple drink of cumin water can do wonders for reducing your weight quickly. Just put two tablespoons of cumin seeds in a glass of water and leave it overnight. The next day after waking up in the morning, filter the water and mix one spoon of lemon juice in it and drink it on an empty stomach. This detox water will flush out the toxins along with the extra calories.

4. Fenugreek seed water

Dietician Ambika Dandona also recommends fenugreek seed water as an ideal detox drink for weight loss. This drink is also great for diabetics. Click here to know more about it.

Losing weight in winter is common and there is nothing to worry about. Just try these detox drinks to manage your weight quickly.

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About Neha GroverThe love of reading awakened his writing instinct. Neha is guilty of a deep set fixation with anything caffeinated. When she’s not pouring her thoughts on the screen, you can see her reading while sipping on a cup of coffee.