Losing Weight: Common Mistakes People Make When Trying to Lose Belly Fat (How to Fix them) | The Times of India

A toned lower abdomen can have various benefits such as upright posture, agility and injury prevention. Everyone wants a strong, healthy and fit body in today’s world. However, losing the extra carbs from your belly area is the hardest thing to do. Dr. Luke James of Bupa UK says that the fat cells that accumulate in your lower abdomen, known as ‘beta fat’ cells, are very difficult to break down, as reported in Cosmopolitan . It is practically impossible to tone a particular area of ​​your body, no matter how hard you try, the results will not manifest on any particular part of the body.

It is advised that you can show progress in your weight loss journey by adopting a healthy lifestyle and eating clean.

Here are some tips that will show you where you go wrong when trying to lose belly fat, and how you can make it go away.