Lynching in Manab: 4 out of 4 in Ran Race 6 were beaten to death by Vaar

In protest, 4 people were beaten to death.


After being part of a share to Prabhakar Shaka from the Jai of the Conventional, he was beaten to death by Shatrutai Ne in Shangpang. The names of the Ferraris were I Love You Talang, Reki Dakhar, Mars Ki Tariang, Rikmenlang Lamare, Shidoraki Dakhar and Lode Tang. 10 September.

this also further

In a forest joining a family group after working as a member of the family as the head of Shangpung. , , The attackers attacked.

By the time it went viral, it had turned fatal. I said it was going to run fast. ️️GP️GP️GP