Mokshada Ekadashi 2022: This story is read in Mokshada Ekadashi fast, according to belief, Sri Hari is happy

Mokshada Ekadashi fast story | Mokshada Ekadashi 2022 fasting story

During Mokshada Ekadashi fast, it is necessary to recite the Vrat Katha after worship. This fast story has been mentioned in mythological texts. According to which once Yudhishthir said – Devdeveshwar! Which Ekadashi is observed in the bright half of the month of Margashirsha? What is their method and which deity is worshiped in it. Swamin! Tell it all realistically.

Shri Krishna said – Nripshrestha! I will describe the Ekadashi of Shuklapaksha of the month of Margashirshak, whose hearing alone gives virtue like Vajpayee Yagya. There is ‘Mokshada Ekadashi’ of that fast which is the destroyer of all sins. Rajan! On that day Lord Vishnu should be worshiped diligently with Tulsi manjari and incense lamp etc. It is appropriate to follow the rule of Dashami and Ekadashi in the right way. Mokshada Ekadashi is going to destroy big leaves. On that day in the night for my Saturday there should be vigil through dance, song and praise. Those whose forefathers have fallen in a low birth due to sins, they fast on this Ekadashi and donate it to their forefathers, then the forefathers attain salvation.

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According to the story of Mokshada Ekadashi, a king named Vaikhan lived in the most delightful city of Champak, which was decorated with Vaishnavas of mythological times. They looked like the sons of their subjects. While ruling in this way, the king saw his forefathers in a low vagina in a dream one night. Seeing this situation in those past days, the king was very surprised and from the very morning the Brahmins narrated the whole situation of that dream.

Said – Brahmins! I have seen my forefathers fall into hell. They were crying repeatedly and telling me that ‘You are our Tanuj, so claim us from this hellish sea’ Dwitiyajavaro! I have seen ancestors in this rupee, it does not give me peace. What to do, where to go? My heart is breaking. Dwijottamo! Please tell me that fast, that penance and that yoga, by which my ancestors go away from hell. While my strong and daredevil sons are alive, my parents are lying in hell! That’s why what is the use of such sons?

Brahmin said – Rajan! Near here are the greatest mountains of Muni. He also knows about the past and the future. Best! You go to him. After listening to the brahmins, Maharaj Vaikhan quickly went to Parvat Muni’s ashram and seeing that great sage there, he touched the sage’s feet with obeisances. Muni also took the stick of the seven lips of the kingdom from the king.

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The king said – Swamin! By your grace, seven parts of my kingdom are fine. I saw in a dream that my forefathers were lying in hell. That’s why tell that by the effect of which virtue they will be saved from there.

Hearing these words of the king, Munishrestha Parvat remained in a state of meditation for a moment. After this he said to the king, Maharaj! You all fast on the Ekadashi named Mokshada in the Shukla Paksha of Margashirsha and give its virtues to the ancestors. Due to the effect of that virtue, they will be created as hell.

Lord Krishna says – Yudhishthir! The king returned to his home after listening to the sage’s words. When the titular month of Uttam Marg came, then King Vaikhanas observed the fast of ‘Mokshada Ekadashi’ and gave its virtue to all the forefathers along with all the forefathers. In a moment of virtue, clouds start raining from the sky. The father of Vaikhanas got away from the hell and spoke these holy words to the king in the sky – ‘ Son! Lakshmi Kalyan ho’ this country went to heaven.

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Rajan! One who thus fasts on the auspicious ‘Mokshada Ekadashi’, his sins are destroyed and he attains salvation after death. This Mokshadiwali ‘Mokshada Ekadashi’ is going to fulfill all wishes like Chintamani for advertisement. By reciting and listening to this Mahatma, one gets the fruit of Vajpayee Yagya.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is for general betting and information. NDTV does not confirm the same.)

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