Mouni Roy’s latest fruit indulgence is inspiring us to eat healthier

There are many reasons why you should include fruits in your diet. In addition to their unique texture and delicious flavor, fruits are packed with vitamins, fiber, and minerals. There is someone who reminded us of the importance of fruits, it is Mouni Roy. His culinary exploits are popular on social media. Be it home cooked Bengali cuisine or other exotic food items, we have seen Mouni enjoying it. This time, she decided to give her indulgence a healthy twist. The actress posted a video on her Instagram, in which she can be seen chewing on a piece of watermelon. Mouni wrote for the caption, “Watermelon sugar etc.”

Read also: A look at Mouni Roy’s perfect South Indian meal on a banana leaf

Like Mouni Roy, you too can eat watermelon and make the most of this nutritious fruit. To make it more interesting, you can use watermelon to whip up a variety of dishes. Here is a list of five watermelon recipes that you must try.

1) Mediterranean Watermelon Salad

You can have this bright red fruit in the form of a salad. All you need for this is watermelon, cucumber, tomato, lettuce and capsicum. Don’t forget to use some spices like parsley, salt and pepper to enhance its taste. find recipe Here,

2) Spicy Watermelon Soup

After all, when will you not drink soup in this season? Winters demand delicious soups that are tasty and healthy in equal measure. You can make this soup very quickly at home and enjoy it with your family. You hardly need five ingredients – watermelon, ginger-garlic paste, mint, chilli flakes and olive oil. recipe Here,

3) Twisted Smoothie

If you like shakes or refreshing smoothies, do try this. Just take watermelon, banana, milk or curd, soaked almonds, and mint leaves and mix everything together. Top it with your favorite fruit and it’s ready! click here for Method,

4) Watermelon Curry

Do you know, you can make vegetable from watermelon too? Never heard it before? Check out this recipe. In this dish, a variety of spices and legumes are added along with watermelon juice, tomato puree, paneer and mango slices. find recipe Here,

5) Watermelon Pudding

This Indian sweet has a separate fanbase. If you are craving something sweet and desi, then this is the dish you can try. Have it as a dessert after a good meal or have it when you are craving something sweet. recipe Here,

Watermelon is delicious as well as highly nutritious. It promotes heart health and kidney function as well as helps normalize blood pressure. Loaded with a heavy percentage of water, it helps keep dehydration at bay.

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