New Apple security concerns pose risk to iPhone and Mac users

Last Update: February 23, 2023, 17:32 IST

Mac and iOS devices are facing new security issues

Apple has been notified of new zero-day security issues that could become a problem for these users.

Apple iPhone and Mac users have received a new security concern this week with the potential for attackers to invade their systems and steal data. Apple has been tracking various security incidents over the past few months, for which it has released patches through new updates. But the new development comes from security firm Trelix which has published details about new security concerns with iOS and macOS.

The firm says the severity level with these bugs ranges from medium to high. And if these issues are not fixed, any malicious app can easily bypass Apple’s protection to gain data on the user which includes their location details, messages, call history and more.

Apple received a similar warning from Google in 2021 when more zero-day bugs were discovered and used by spyware firms such as the NSO Group to install the famous Pegasus spyware on iPhones without requiring user consent .

While Apple claims to have patched the loophole that allowed spyware to attack its security, Trelix They say The steps taken by the company may not be enough to thwart future attacks of a similar vein. It added that the attackers have improved their tools which can now work around tighter restrictions imposed by Apple since the major incident.

But it’s not all doom and gloom for Apple users, as the firm has no evidence that these vulnerabilities have already been exploited on a large scale. Trelix also says that Apple’s iOS 16.3 and macOS 13.2 versions released in January fix the zero-day issues.

But the overall sentiment in the security circuit suggests that Apple facing multiple zero-day issues at regular intervals does not bode well for the platforms.

These vulnerabilities have also been deemed ‘quite clever’ by the security firm, and suggest that regular users would have difficulty spotting any issues with their devices. The best way to keep your iPhone or Mac safe is to update to the latest versions provided by Apple and hope the problem can be fixed right away.

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