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Fizzy’s chief executive officer (CEO) Mark Zucker Baring said the “mother’s office” needs to be visited today to try to incorporate the digital transformation of the future. Jukrar Barig is “Mata Offer”. I Zuckerberg says that it is expected that the ‘mother’ of a hundred percent will receive a billion income.

this also further

Mr. Hope this… This announcement is as follows. ️ Facebook️ Facebook

Zucker Baring said, “which is better than anything social.” It has been announced, “It has been announced starting today. This is meant to be together in the event of our incorporation.” To recall, Facebook’s critics last week hit back at a report that leaked rebranding plans, arguing that the company was aiming to divert attention from recent scandals and controversies.

It requires 10,000 people to announce the plan, to make Zuckering a fresh take on the “mom lovers”.

(news said)


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