India will push for climate justice at COP26: Environment Minister India News – Times of India

India will strongly highlight the need for “climate justice” at COP26 in Glasgow as solutions to global warming cannot be addressed piecemeal, Environment Minister Bhupendra Yadav Told TOI. While not commenting directly on whether 450GW of renewable energy will be made part of India’s NDCs, Yadav said the target is a serious commitment.
Amid pressure from affluent countries to achieve ‘net zero’ commitment from all countries, Environment Minister Yadav said India will take a call on carbon neutrality at an appropriate time, as commitments and action to developed countries as part of their unfulfilled pre-2020 promises. should remember. Climate justice is the need of the hour.
Excerpts from a conversation with TOI:
Will India commit to the ‘net zero’ target at the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26)?
We will take a decision on this at an appropriate time and it can come anytime. We are very clear that whatever decision our leadership takes, it will take it at the right time. We are committed to the solution. We won’t be a problem. We made our ‘Nationally Determined Contribution’ (NDC) commitments in 2015 and unlike many countries, we are on track to deliver what we have done. Declaration should not be in the context of declaration only. It should be implemented and it should be done. There should be a declaration to save the planet. It should not be just a statement.
What will be India’s focus during COP26 talks?
The discussion should be around meeting the existing commitments by the developed countries. We believe that first all those issues should be discussed in the form of old pledges already made by countries – whether it is emission reduction in the period before 2020 and financial assistance to developing countries like That was promised in 2009. All issues should be discussed, in keeping with the principles of the United Nations Climate Conference (UNFCCC) and Paris Agreement Whether it is ‘Equity’ and ‘Common but Different Responsibilities’ and Related Capabilities (CBDR-RC). There are four major issues in the talks. First of all, the whole world is worried that the global temperature is increasing very fast. Second, the world is aware of the mitigation measures needed to stop this temperature rise. Third, the entire world is not on an equal playing field (in terms of ability to take mitigation and adaptation measures) and therefore strong financial support and technology transfer mechanisms must be in place. Fourth, there is the issue of ‘loss and damage’ caused by disasters, and therefore a question of how to develop a system to support vulnerable countries. India wants to discuss all these issues with an open mind. This global problem must be tackled comprehensively, not in part.
Will the country’s new ambitious target of renewable energy (450 GW by 2030) and greater achievement on climate action be covered under the revised pledges?
The NDC is a voluntary declaration, but it is not just a declaration. It is a commitment. We have not only set ambitious goals but also achieved our goals and delivered our promises ahead of time. The big fight is over the promises of those who have not fulfilled it. Developed countries promised in 2009 to raise US$100 billion a year in climate finance by 2020 to support developing countries for adaptation measures to help them meet the challenges of climate change. It has not been completed.
The climate finance delivery plan released this week suggests that affluent nations will only be able to raise finances until 2023 – three years after they promised. Will the delay affect the conversation at COP26?
We will put it on the negotiating table. There is also an issue of public finance and private finance. We must remind the developed countries that government to government aid was promised to the developing countries through public finance. However, let me remind everyone that India has fulfilled its promises through its own funds and budgetary provisions.
You had meetings with the US President’s climate envoy john kerry and COP26 President nominee Alok Sharma. Have you told him about the concerns of India and developing countries on these issues?
Apart from them, we had bilateral and multilateral meetings with about 30 countries ahead of COP26. Everyone accepts the seriousness… but the question here is about action and effect. There is agreement in this direction. These issues will also be discussed during COP26 (31 October – 12 November in Glasgow, UK). We would urge all countries to be actively involved in three institutions/initiatives – International Solar Alliance (one is), Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) and the Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT) – which is being led by India and other countries such as France and Sweden.
Both India and China have always been on the same page as part of ‘Like-minded Developing Countries’ (LMDCs) and Basic Climate Dialogue Groups, despite differences elsewhere. Will this continue at COP26?
I believe that there should be no differences with anyone to make the world a better place to live in. Our conduct should be one when our purpose is one. In fact, we will try to build consensus with each country on COP26.


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