open school

India is reporting more than 2,80,000 cases per day, which is an uncomfortable statistic in itself. These are not far from the comparisons seen during the second wave and it is understandable why state administrators continue with the lockdown. However, the numbers are meaningless without context and data from the states shows that what Omicron was most feared about – hospitalizations and indiscriminate mortality rates – has not come to pass. States that have been hit by the wave now report, on average, that more than 95% of their available beds are empty. This in no way suggests that an omicron infection is mild or that vaccinated people can be assured of pre-2020 relapse. However, the evidence is clear that doubling up on vaccinations is less likely to result in hospitalization and that vaccines continue to deliver on their promise of preventing serious disease. These comments undoubtedly have various state governments now easing restrictions and allowing commercial establishments and public places to open.

However, schools are still closed in most places and administrators are reluctant to open them because most children have not been vaccinated. The serology survey conducted by ICMR and independent experts has found that over 70% of children displayed antibodies to COVID-19 – which is no different from adults. Other lines of research also establish that while children are more likely to be infected and be carriers, they are less likely to become seriously ill. Putting this in the context of disruption in schools, quality teaching time that has been lost over the years, and the disparity gap between affluent children and those who depend on schools not only for learning but for a nutritious meal. Food, it is clear that schools cannot be allowed to remain closed in good conscience. The COVID-19 pandemic is not over, but societies are better prepared and aware of the appropriate measures that can be taken to save lives. Lockdowns are effective as a temporary measure and give time to stock up, but they come with huge costs and are not sustainable in the long term. Thus, states should prioritize expanding vaccine coverage, insisting on masks when children are nearby, conducting periodic tests to measure transmission and hospitalization while fully reopening schools. Monitor trends. The experience of other countries, such as the UK and the US, shows that the re-opening of schools has hardly had any effect on transmission trends. India should incorporate these lessons.
