Proceedings of Parliament | ‘Hero worship’ biggest threat to Indian democracy: Manoj Jha, RJD

Both the Houses will continue with the Motion of Thanks on the President’s Address for the third day in a row and are ready to take on the legislative business of private members.

here are the latest updates,

Rajya Sabha | 12.31 pm

Work of private members started in Rajya Sabha

Rajya Sabha | 12.28 pm

Andhra Pradesh in a state of collapse: Kanakamedla Ravindra Kumar, TDP, Andhra Pradesh

Kanakamedla Ravindra Kumar, TDP, speaking on the Andhra Pradesh resolution says that Andhra Pradesh is in a state of collapse. He noted that the State Government was only borrowing and the accounts were not being maintained. He said that the employees were not being paid their salaries on time. Accidents happen daily in the state due to bad roads.

Rajya Sabha | 12.23 pm

“Insecure leadership doesn’t make a strong nation”: Priyanka Chaturvedi, Shiv Sena

“Insecure leadership doesn’t make a strong nation”, Priyanka Chaturvedi speaking on the Motion of Thanks on Shiv Sena, Maharashtra President’s Address, she says. She says that self-reliant India is just a garb and imports from China have a new record. Ms. Chaturvedi says that the government is silent about women’s safety. “State governments are not getting their GST dues,” she says. The government is using its resources to spy on its people instead of spending it on national security. She notes that several countries, including Israel, have begun investigating the use of Pegasus and asks why Parliament is not discussing Pegasus.

Rajya Sabha | 12.13 pm

‘Hero worship’ biggest threat to Indian democracy: Manoj Jha, RJD

Manoj Kumar Jha, RJD, Bihar stresses on the need for empathy from governments during the pandemic. He noted that the biggest threat to Indian democracy is from Veer Puja. Mr Jha says that the present government is trying to create differences among Indians on the basis of religion and invokes Mahatma Gandhi and his message of peace between religions. He said that the issue of hunger is plaguing the country. He noted that the government recognizes that Ladakh and Kashmir are not just a piece of land and are inhabited by real people.

Rajya Sabha | at 11.57 am

Government used pandemic to implement its “anti-people policies”: K. Somprasad, CPI(M)

Of. Somprasad, CPI(M), Kerala asks how can anyone forget floating dead bodies. He said that the government has failed to deal with the pandemic. He noted that the government has not provided any protection, incentives and insurance to the frontline workers. He says the government used the pandemic to implement its “anti-people policies”. He also brought to the notice of the House the issue of unemployment and said that disinvestment of PSUs will not create new jobs. He says that there are about 12.3 lakh vacancies in government jobs. “70% ST and 50% SC are landless, land reform is the need of the hour, says Mr. Somprasad.

Rajya Sabha | 11.37 am

Discussion begins on Motion of Thanks on President’s Address

Dr. L. Hanumanthaiah is on the chair. Prasanna Acharya, BJD, appreciates the nationalist approach of the Odisha government and says that many people believe that if Netaji was alive after independence, the country would have been in a different shape. He noted that the government has rightly taken the decision to start the Republic Day celebrations from Netaji’s birthday.

He also appreciated the government’s decision to celebrate Veer Bal Diwas. He says that a memorial should be constructed in the memory of “Veer Bal” of this country. Mr. Acharya notes that farmers’ income has not doubled. He collates the NCRB data and notes that this year a 6% increase has been registered with respect to farmer suicides. He requested the government to give special status to Odisha. He also noted that the power of the government to recall any IAS/IPS officer at any time is detrimental to the federalism of the country.

Rajya Sabha | at 11.31 am

question hour ends

Question Hour in Rajya Sabha has ended. Papers are being laid on the table.

Rajya Sabha | 11:20 am

Questions related to setting up of new industries in Rajasthan and objectives of TRAI are being considered in the House.

Rajya Sabha | 10.53 am

Electronics and IT Minister on ‘Bully Bai’ and ‘Sully Deal’

On the action taken by BJP MP Sushil Modi against the creators of Bulli Bai and the subsequent questions, IT Minister Ashwini Vaishnav said, “We are ready to provide even stricter social media rules if there is consensus in the House. At this point we are working within the framework of the Constitution. But yes, going forward we need to make social media more accountable.”

Mr. Vaishnav notes that “protecting women” is a fundamental need for his government. He says that as soon as it came to the notice of the government, the investigation of the matter has been started. He says social media has to be held accountable to make them a safer place.

Rajya Sabha | 10.50 am

Guidelines for social media platforms

Electronics and Information Technology Minister Ashwini Vaish noted that there are five important social media mediators mandated by the government. All important social media moderators are obliged to publish their monthly compliance reports.

Rajya Sabha | 10.42 am

Legal guarantee of MSP

Kailash Choudhary, MoS Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, in response to a question regarding the committee constituted to look into the legal guarantee of MSP notes, disclosed the details related to the committee after getting permission from the Election Commission to form the government. Will go In lieu of the 2022 assembly elections, many states across the country have a committee in the form of a model code of conduct.

Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister Narendra Singh Tomar says, “As the Prime Minister announced that we are committed on the issue of MSP. We had to form a committee to fix the MSP, but the schedule for the assembly elections was announced. We wrote to the EC seeking their permission, the EC wrote back saying that the ministry should wait for the elections before constituting the committee.”

Rajya Sabha | 10.33 am

question hour begins

Question Hour begins in Rajya Sabha. Questions related to the construction of over bridges are being considered in the House.

Rajya Sabha | 10.27 am

DMK MPs and the opposition staged a walkout in protest.

Rajya Sabha | 10.27 am

Rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits

Priyanka Chaturvedi, Shiv Sena, Maharashtra, noted that only 15% of the rehabilitation work to help Kashmiri Pandits has been completed. She urges the government to expedite the construction of transit housing units through the Speaker.

Rajya Sabha | 10.24 am

Manoj Jha, RJD, Bihar says that the states and the Center will have to work together for a national employment policy. “Across party lines we have to work together. It is unfortunate that even in elections, unemployment does not seem to be an issue. We cannot ignore it anymore, we are sitting in the vortex of a volcano threatening to blow up anyone giving time now”, he notes.

Rajya Sabha | 10.21 am

“Include Khasi and Garo in the Eighth Schedule”

Wanweroy Kharlukhi notes that Meghalaya is a state of fifty years without any recognized language. He requested that the government should include Khasi and Garo in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution.

Rajya Sabha | at 10.16 am

DMK MPs protest against Tamil Nadu Governor

Zero Hour begins in Rajya Sabha. DMK MPs protested against the Tamil Nadu Governor for withdrawing the bill passed by the state assembly to exempt the students of the state from NEET. Other opposition MPs also joined the protest. The Chairman is asking MPs to raise the issue during the Motion of Thanks on the President’s Address. DMK MP Tiruchi Siva says that the governor is insulting the state assembly. DMK MPs are raising slogans in the Well of the House.

Rajya Sabha | 10.06 am

Leader of the Opposition Mallikarjun Kharge objected to the absence of ministers with the MoS Parliamentary Affairs Minister placing the letter to host the ministries. “The concerned minister should come and keep the papers. What other work does he have during the Parliament”.

Rajya Sabha Speaker Venkaiah Naidu: I have given permission only because of the COVID pandemic. COVID is not in our hands, otherwise I also do not forgive COVID

Rajya Sabha | at 10.00 am

Rajya Sabha proceedings begin

Chairman Venkaiah Naidu began the day’s proceedings. Papers are being laid on the Table of the House.

LOB | Rajya Sabha

List of Business in Rajya Sabha (10.00 AM)

1. Motion of Thanks on the President’s Address.

2. Legislative business of private members.

LOB | Lok Sabha

List of Business in Lok Sabha (4.00 PM)

1. Motion of Thanks on the President’s Address.

2. Legislative business of private members.

Damage to tourism sector due to high taxes: Parliamentary committee

Observing that high tax rates are hurting tourism in India, a parliamentary committee has recommended that the tax regime for the travel and tourism sector should be reviewed to make India an attractive travel destination.

India’s overall share in International Tourist Arrivals (ITA) is a modest 1.24%, which is certainly less than its huge potential, said the Committee on ‘Promoting Indian Tourism in Overseas Markets – Role of Overseas Tourist Offices and Indian Embassies’ .

“The Committee is of the view that one of the major reasons for India’s massive under-utilization of inbound tourism is the high rates and plethora of taxes that deter inbound tourism and this has led to a slew of tourist packages compared to competing tourists. has reduced the price of destinations in other countries,” it said.

Ultraviolet technology to reduce virus spread in Parliament

Union Science and Technology Minister Jitendra Singh told the Lok Sabha on Thursday that radiation technology has been installed in the Parliament House to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus. However, the Minister urged the members to continue to follow the appropriate COVID treatment.

The minister said that the Ultraviolet-C (UV-C) technology developed by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has been installed in the Lok Sabha and Central Hall chambers to reduce the air transmission of coronavirus.

Speaking soon after the Question Hour, Mr Singh thanked Speaker Om Birla for giving permission for the technology.


Day 4 Recap

Members of Parliament participated in the Motion of Thanks on the President’s Address.

Questions related to Indian workers in Gulf countries, the number of women judges in the country, the status of Marathi as a classical language and the Media One issue were considered in the Upper House during the Question Hour.

The Lower House considered questions related to fuel prices, water supply to households. Pegasus spywareProtests over special status for Bihar and unemployment were among the major issues raised in the Lok Sabha on Thursday. Debate on Motion of Thanks on President’s Address

There was a stir in the Lower House when members of the DMK and Congress staged a walkout from the Lok Sabha, demanding the recall of Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi, objecting to his decision to roll back the NEET exemption bill.
