Public policy, supply chain management: New draw for Indian students going to US – Times of India

New Delhi: Not just the traditionally popular STEM subject or MBA- American universities are trying to attract Indian students with a mix of new subjects like cyber security and supply chain management.
At the Study Abroad Fair organized by the US Department of Commerce in New Delhi on Thursday, around 20 universities from different parts of the US interacted with potential students and answered questions on courses, funding and job prospects.
In her opening remarks, Patricia Lasina, Chargé d’Affaires at the US Embassy in New Delhi, said that US missions across India are processing student visas on priority to ensure that students arrive on time for their programs . She also said that at 20%, Indians account for the largest share of all international students in the US.
A host of newly launched programs in various universities are grabbing the attention of Indian students.
Cyber ​​security, data science and information technology are among such courses at Ohio Dominican University (ODU). Natalie Chang, director of international education at ODU, said she is getting a good number of questions about these.
Roger Douglas of St. Martin’s University near Seattle, Washington, said courses such as supply chain management and industrial design are in top demand.
Some students are looking for a US degree to provide a focused and specialized direction to their academic career.
Santosh, a final year economics student at Delhi University, is looking for a professional career in an organization like the World Bank or IMF. He believes a US degree in international economics or public policy would be a right step.
Traditionally, universities on the US East Coast and states like California and Texas have been the preferred choice for Indian students.
Sanjeev Kumar, dean of South Dakota State University’s College of Engineering, believes it is time to play catch-up for further inland universities, like the Midwest. One incentive, he believes, is an attractive funding plan—a top priority for many Indian students pursuing higher education in the US.
“We offer some courses at a fraction of the cost compared to some other universities. We also offer some of the most specialized courses in agronomy. The quiet and quiet campus in the middle of the American Prairies is a welcome change for anyone … for a break from city life,” he said.
The US mission in India issued a record 82,000 student visas this summer.