Relieve bloating with this ‘de-bloat’ tea made from common kitchen ingredients

You know that feeling when your pants suddenly feel too tight after a heavy meal? You just want to lay in your bed and wait for it to pass. Bloating is a common gastrointestinal symptom that causes us to feel full with tightness, a distended stomach and abdominal pain or cramps. While swelling is not generally considered a serious health problem, it can cause significant discomfort and discomfort. Bloating occurs when there is an excessive build-up of gas in the digestive tract, causing our stomach to bloat.

What is the main reason for flatulence?

Bloating can happen to anyone, because various reasons, This can happen from eating too much, eating too fast, or eating certain foods that are difficult to digest. Instead of being released from the breakdown of food, gas builds up in your stomach and causes symptoms of bloating.

Read also: 6 Foods You Should Avoid That Cause Bloating (And Tips to Reduce Bloating)

How can you get relief from bloating? What reduces bloating fast?

In addition to eating smaller foods and chewing them slowly, it’s a good idea to stay away from heavy foods that you know can cause bloating. If this still doesn’t help, the good news is that there are some easy and Natural Ways to Manage Inflammation And prevent it from happening in the first place. One of them is this special blend of spices and herbs tea, suggested by nutritionist Natasha Mohan on her Instagram page ‘dt.natashamohan’.

This special ‘de-bloat’ tea is made from a blend of ginger, mint leaves and fennel seeds. These ingredients have been used in traditional medicine for centuries to help soothe the digestive tract and reduce inflammation.

Benefits of ginger for bloating:

Ginger is renowned for its ability to soothe digestive problems. This is due to the presence of an enzyme called ‘zingibain’, which breaks down the proteins in the food and makes it easier to digest.

Benefits of peppermint for bloating:

The menthol present in mint leaves has antiseptic and antibacterial properties which prove to be very beneficial. Beneficial for gut health and slow digestion. Mint has long been used as an effective home remedy to treat problems like acidity, gas and bloating.

Benefits of fennel for bloating:

Fennel contains a compound called thymol, which helps produce digestive enzymes. Fennel is also anti-inflammatory in nature and is known to reduce nausea and constipation. Its high fiber content helps improve digestion.

Now, that we know the various benefits of these ingredients, let us see how to add them to this drink to manage inflammation.

Read also: 4 Effective Ways To Reduce Bloating And Keep It Away

Natural Home Remedies For Bloating – How To Make Ginger Mint Fennel Tea For Bloating

To make a glass or two cups of tea, boil a glass of water, add 1 tsp grated ginger, 5-6 mint leaves, 1 tsp fennel and let it boil for a few minutes. Then filter the tea and pour it. Mix a little lemon juice and black salt and drink it hot.

Have a cup of this delicious tea and say goodbye to bloating.