set up for 24 hours

It is designed to carry out this action

New Delhi:

kareena kapoor corona positive Everyone is tested after coming in contact with the halo germ (Kareena Kapoor corona) and Amrita. Join the dates party to join the club based on YS dates. Has been fully tested. Together all the people who attended the party have been tested.

this also further

Also further- posted posting, self posting information

It was also told what the officer would also have to do.

Will also have been posted in the posted post. Pollution is also caused by pollination of a person flying in the wash.

The information on this post was posted.

It is written that ‘The season is the season of the season. To fix completely. I request all those people who have come in contact with me to get tested. My family comes under the category. The investigation is not complete. Thank goodness I’m fine and just fine.’
