Skincare Tips for Men: Know the Benefits of Ice Water

The scorching heat in the summer season can be harmful for healthy skin. Women take good care of their skin but generally men are not serious about skin care. The easiest way to keep away the harmful effects of the sun is with ice or ice water. It is a known fact that washing your face with cold water maintains the pH level of the skin.

Here’s how ice water helps the skin:

Shrinkage of pores:

The face usually looks oily due to excessive oil secretion during the summer season. Due to the rising temperature, the pores of the skin get opened. Ice water not only helps in reducing oil secretion but also helps in shrinking those pores.

Reduces inflammation and irritation

If you are experiencing swelling on your face, washing your face with ice water will improve blood circulation and reduce swelling. On the other hand, ice water will give you relief from tanning and sunburn.

maintains skin moisture

Due to the heat and dust in the summer season, the skin becomes dry. On the other hand, cold water helps in controlling the loss of transepidermal water of the skin and in turn retains the moisture of the skin. Transepidermal water loss occurs when skin moisture evaporates due to damage to the skin’s protective barrier and can be common during summer due to high temperatures.

increase in sebum

In summer, the problem of pimples and acne on the face is quite common. The main reason behind this is the lack of sebum, which is an oily substance that helps to form a protective layer on the skin. Ice water helps in increasing the amount of sebum on the face which reduces the occurrence of pimples.

,DisclaimerThe information and information provided in this article is based on general assumptions. Hindi News18 does not confirm this. Please consult the concerned specialist before applying these.)

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