Skip the expensive products to get glowing skin with tomatoes; This way

Last Update: March 03, 2023, 14:23 IST

If you’re wondering how to incorporate tomatoes into your skincare routine, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We’ve put together some tips and tricks to incorporate tomatoes into your skincare routine

One of the nectars present in your kitchen is tomato, which apart from being a powerhouse of nutrients can work wonders on your skin problems.

Getting healthy glowing skin is at the top of everyone’s bucket list. While getting yourself a well-suited skin care regime seems like too much to incorporate into your busy routine, buying the right products is nothing short of achieving grandeur. Even if you burn your pockets and welcome fancy products on your vanity, chances are slim that it can help you get the desired results. Believe it or not, when it comes to skin care, nothing beats natural ingredients. Even if you spend every single penny on lavish brands, the best ingredients for the skin you want are sitting on your kitchen counter. And one of the nectars present in your kitchen is tomato, which apart from being a powerhouse of nutrients, can work wonders on your skin problems like tanning, pigmentation, blemishes and acne.

So, if you’re wondering how to incorporate tomatoes into your skincare routine, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We have put together some tips and tricks to incorporate tomatoes into your skincare routine.

Tomato pulp mask

People with oily skin are most prone to pimples and acne. Therefore it becomes extremely important to control the oil on their skin. Basically, the sebum on your face clogs your pores, resulting in acne. What else? Tomatoes can be a great way to unclog your pores and keep them clean. All you need to do is take the pulp of a tomato and mix it with aloe vera gel and apply it like a mask. Keep it for about 20 minutes and then wash it with cold water. While tomato pulp can help you deep cleanse your skin, aloe vera will provide the right amount of hydration to your skin.

tomato toner

Very few people know that tomato can replace your expensive toner. Making toner from tomato not only cleanses your skin but also removes roughness on your face. Needless to say, this is one of the wonderful ways to bring glow to your face. Wondering how to do this? Squeeze tomato juice in a spray bottle and apply it with the help of cotton before going to bed at night. Make sure that the juice does not get into your eyes.

tomato scrub

So far, we’ve made it clear that tomatoes are excellent at unclogging pores. For an instant glow, your skin needs exfoliation. Hence, mixing sugar with tomatoes can work wonders. Simply cut a tomato in half and pour some sugar over it, then rub it in a circular motion for about two minutes. Make sure you do not overdo it as it can over-exfoliate your skin. In addition, you can include the phase only once a week.

tomato sun tan pack

While tomato is a great way to eliminate the dryness of your skin. Mixing its juice with turmeric and curd is an effective way to fight tanning. To get glowing skin just apply the paste for 20 minutes and you are ready to go.

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