Sri Lankan protesters cook food at the prime minister’s residence as the island nation engulfed in flames

Strange incidents have emerged in Sri Lanka as hundreds of thousands of people gathered in the capital Colombo to take responsibility for the mismanagement of the financial crisis and demand the government to take responsibility for the lack of food and fuel. Several protesters are camping at the residence of Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and have vowed to stay there until both the President and the Prime Minister resign.

A recent video posted by ANI shows protesters cooking and playing cards and carrom inside the house. The video’s caption read, “Protesters start cooking and cooking inside the premises of Sri Lankan PM’s residence in Colombo, as they remain there amid ongoing protests against the country’s financial turmoil.” Have a look for yourself:

Speaking to ANI, a protester said, “We protesters have started cooking, we are inside the PM’s house. We have fought for the resignation of PM Wickremesinghe and President Rajapaksa. We will leave the campus only when he resigns, said a protester inside the Sri Lankan PM’s house. In another video, protesters were seen using gym equipment inside the PM’s house. In several other videos, the agitators were also seen watching TV.

There was also a video that showed protesters wrestling on the PM’s bed and an additional WWE comment playing in the background. In the video, the intruders can be seen imitating the wrestling moves, while others around the “arena” laugh about it.

Meanwhile, the whereabouts of the President is yet to be ascertained. His only communication since protesters stormed the city was with parliament speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeverdana, who announced late Saturday that the president would resign on Wednesday.

President Rajapaksa informed the Speaker about the decision to resign after Abhaywardene wrote to the leaders seeking their resignations after an all-party meeting on Saturday evening. Prime Minister Wickremesinghe has also offered to resign. In May, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s elder brother and Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa had to step down due to massive anti-government protests.

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