Study shows lung cancer adversely affects women’s sexual health

Recent research claims that women with lung cancer are more likely to experience sexual dysfunction. This study was presented at the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC). World Conference on Lung Cancer 2022.

Led by Narjust Florez, MD, associate director of the Cancer Care Equity Program at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in the US, the findings of this study found differences in sexual desire/interest and vaginal pain/discomfort when compared before and after a lung cancer diagnosis. point to. ,

“Sexual dysfunction is prevalent in women with lung cancer, and we need to remember that sexual health is related to quality of life. Sexual health should be integrated into thoracic oncology and tailored for patients with lung cancer. Further research is necessary to develop interventions,” said Florez, speaking on the results of this Sexual Health Assessment in Women in Lung Cancer (SHAWL) study.

The survey for the study was conducted between June 2020 and June 2021 with 249 female participants who were battling lung cancer.

Of the total participants, M 64 percent had stage IV lung cancer and 45 percent were receiving targeted therapy, with 87 percent taking the drug for more than six months.

Participants were asked questions about their sex lives before they were diagnosed with lung cancer and how it had been in the “last 30 days.”

Within the past 30 days, 53 percent of participants had had sexual activity on their own or with someone else. About 77 percent of participants reported having little or no interest in sexual activity, while 67 percent said they rarely or never wanted to engage in sexual activity.

The survey revealed that the most common reasons that negatively affected participants’ sex lives were fatigue, shortness of breath, feeling sad, and other issues with partners.

“Patients who have a focus on their sexual health have a better quality of life, better pain control, and better relationships with their partners and their health team,” Florez said.

Other factors uncovered by the study also stated that vaginal pain and discomfort resulted in decreased sexual desire and interest in women.

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