Summer Diet Tips: 6 Health Benefits of White Onions – Explains Celebrity Chef Sanjeev Kapoor

It is summer and we are taking all possible precautions to beat the heat and prevent dehydration. While ACs, coolers and cold water can provide instant relief from the scorching heat outside, it is always advisable to modify your diet to reap the benefits in the long run. This is right. Every health expert across the world suggests to include cool and summer friendly foods in our diet to keep us cool and nourished from within. One such healthy food is white onion. You heard us A popular variety of onion, it has a completely white skin and flesh. The taste of white onions is also very neutral, not as sharp as yellow onions or as sweet as red onions. You will find that white onions are widely used in salads, sandwiches and more.

Apart from being a versatile ingredient in the world of cooking, white onions are also known to have many health benefits. white Onion Ideal to beat the heat. Plus, you can pound it, cook it, or simply eat it raw. Celebrity chef Sanjeev Kapoor shared more about the benefits of white onions through his latest post on Instagram. He wrote with the post, “Tell me, did you use onions, our everyday kitchen can also help against sunstroke and sunburn.

Read also: Onions for Summer: Can Carrying Onions in Your Pocket Prevent Heat Stroke?

Know here 6 health benefits of white onion – Share Chef Sanjeev Kapoor:

1. Excellent Source of Fiber:

White onions are rich in healthy soluble fiber called fructans. These fibers help promote digestive health and increase gut-healthy bacteria, which regulate bowel movements and treat a number of gut-related ailments.

2. Cools down the body:

White onion is considered a great cooling agent. It helps in reducing the body temperature and keeps it naturally cool. Apart from this, white onion also helps in preventing inflammation caused due to sunburn.

3. Promotes Heart Health:

Enriched with anti-inflammatory properties, white onion is known to manage the blood pressure levels in our body. This further prevents the formation of plaques in the artery and reduces the risk of hearing-related diseases.

4. Rich in Antioxidants:

White onion is rich in antioxidants which makes it a great ingredient for detoxification. Proper detoxification helps to promote overall health and nourish us from within. In addition, detoxification helps promote blood circulation in the veins and arteries as well.

5. Has antibacterial properties:

The antibacterial properties in white onion make it a great ingredient to include in our summer diet and keep many seasonal ailments at bay. Several studies have also shown that white onions may also be effective in preventing the development of VIbiro cholera and many such infections.

6. Boosts Immunity:

As mentioned earlier, white onion is rich in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. These factors make it a great ingredient to keep our gut clean, which further helps in improving our immune health.

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Read also: Do not throw away onion peels; Here are 5 ways you can use it in your meals

Now that you know about the benefits of white onions, we suggest storing some in your pantry and adding them to your daily summer diet. But always remember, moderation is the key.